GH addressed the rumors surrounding Nigma Galaxy’s roster for the 2022/2023 DPC season and teased a future announcement.
The post-TI roster shuffle season has seen many surprising changes and it's only the beginning. While Nigma Galaxy has not yet announced anything regarding their roster for the 2022/2023 Dota Pro Circuit season, the team did not escape the rumor vacuum. To address the rumors, NGX posted a clip of Maroun "GH" Merhej teasing the upcoming roster announcement with positive affirmations.
"I'd like to say that there have been a lot of rumors going online especially. I'd like to tell you rest assured, the team has it all together. We are trying to finalize the last couple of things and after that, we'll make a good announcement for you guys. Hopefully, you'll stay tuned," said GH.
Gh then paid his gratitude to the fans and supporters. He closed the clip by saying, "You can be assured that team Nigma will come back and we will have our place back on top soon enough hopefully."
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Rumors regarding Nigma Galaxy's new roster

Nigma Galaxy is one of the most popular Dota 2 squads, courtesy of their strong legacy throughout the years. The full TI-winner lineup consists of:
- Amer "Miracle-" Al-Barkawi
- Syed "SumaiL" Hassan
- Ivan "MinD_ContRoL" Ivanov
- Maroun "GH" Merhej
- Kuro "KuroKy" Takhasomi
However, the team has long underperformed and stayed below the global radar. Their last attempt at qualifying for TI ended after losing to Team Secret in the Western Europe TI11 Qualifier. With the team's long silence over the past few months, rumors regarding Nigma Galaxy's roster change sprung up like mushrooms.
Entity's captain, Dzmitry "Fishman" Palishchuk heard rumors of two or three players leaving NGX. He stated that Miracle- might be taking a year-long break from pro Dota 2 and Kuroky to move to the inactive roster. Other rumors include Adrian "Fata" Trinks or Yazied "YapzOr" Jaradat replacing Kuroky, OG's former offlaner, Ammar "ATF" Al-Assaf, to replace Miracle- throughout his break, and tons of retirement guesses.
Although GH's clip didn't quite confirm anything, he reassured fans that the team has it all together. Fans are ecstatic when Miracle- retweeted the clip, possibly hinting that he's still a part of the squad. NGX's manager also hinted that Kuroky will not retire until he lifts two more Aegis. He stated, "Excited for the new season, Kuro won't put down his keyboard before lifting two more!"
But for now, fans have to keep their eyes peeled for NGX's finalized roster. Make sure to stick around for more Dota 2 roster news!