Gamin Gladiators and Quest Esports broke records today in their series at the Bali Major. Join us and find out why.
The first day of the Bali Major's Group Stage has been full of amazing games, however, the last series of the day between Gamin Gladiators and Quest Esports was a special one. With a total play time between both games reaching almost three hours of in-game time, the series broke Dota 2 records in terms of length as well as hero stats!
The Record-Shattering Game between Gamin Gladiators and Quest Esports
Gamin Gladiator's Quinn "Quinn" Callahan had a great start to the major, despite his almost 50+ hour travel time to Bali for the tournament. To add on top of that, during the last series of the day, where Gamin Gladiators took on Quest Esports, game one went extremely long. Lasting a total game time of two hours and 16 minutes, the game was a slug-fest with little to no repose.

Game one of the series between Gamin Gladiators and Quest broke two Dota 2 records. The first was breaking into the top-three longest Dota 2 games of all time. The 2:16:39 match almost took the second place spot of Team Empire versus Vega Squadron's 2:20:30 match. However, few games will ever come close to the three-hour game between Cloud9 and SCARYFACEZZZZZZZ.
The game was also the longest LAN game of Dota 2 ever played. In terms of Dota 2 pro games that last longer than two hours, there are only has eight other games on record, so both teams can be satisfied that they made it to this exclusive group.
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And what made this game spiral to over two-hours long? Well, we're not too sure. Gamin Gladiators drafted a classic Bloodseeker line-up featuring Dark Seer, Techies, Timbersaw and Chen, while Quest responded with a Medusa draft that included Underlord, Snapfire, Silencer and Shadow Demon. The game was back and forth until the end, where Gamin Gladiators lost our just by the virtue that their buybacks were on cooldown. Game one was a true treat as we got to see almost every hero utilizing Divine Rapiers at one point or another.
Even Gamin Gladiators' Melchior "Seleri" Hillenkamp, who was playing Chen, transitioned to a carry build. With his own Rapier, Assault Cuirass, Butterfly and Swift Blink, he was the true fourth carry of Gamin's draft. Seleri also broke a couple Chen records throughout the game as well. According to analyst Ben "Noxville" Steenhuisen, Seleri's Chen broke the most last hits and hero damage for all Chen games on record.
If this is only on day one of the Bali Major, who knows what is in store for the rest of the tournament? For more Dota 2 content and esports news, stay tuned to