Find out everything about TI11’s meta heroes here.
If you want to keep up with TI11's real-time meta, we have you covered. This article will provide you with essential hero stats throughout TI11 Playoffs as well as daily Battle Pass predictions' progress so stay tuned!
We have also compiled meta heroes, interesting stats, and records specifically for TI11 Group Stage here.
All stats referred from Spectral Stats.
Most contested, picked, banned, more

Marci has been the most evergreen pick at TI11. She is flexible and can be a nuisance in the support role with her long-ranged jump and stun. This makes her the most contested hero at TI11 with not only 95 picks but also 128 bans. Most teams have been first banning or first picking Marci in their games, bumping her appearance at TI11 to 223 in 231 total matches!!
Enigma, on the other hand, did not appear in as many games but it was heavily banned. Most carry heroes find it a nightmare to lane against Enigma and a farmed one by the mid-game is even worse to handle. From 231 total games at TI11, Enigma was picked 59 times and banned 143 times. It is one of the most successful heroes of the tournament, likely to receive the nerf hammer in the next patch.
Another interesting hero that joins the most banned list is Batrider. This hero isn't very popular and it's win rate is also awfully low (20%). But throughout TI11, the Chinese teams, PSG.LGD and Team Aster prioritized banning this hero a lot. PSG.LGD banned the hero 15 times and Team Aster banned it 12 times.
Here are the top 5 heroes for most contested, most picked, and most banned:
# Most contested Most picked Most banned | 1. Marci [223] Marci [86] Enigma [143] | 2. Enigma [202] Tiny [82] Marci [128] | 3. Primal Beast [192] Shadow Fiend [81] Primal Beast [125] | 4. Shadow Fiend [168] Leshrac [77] Batrider [115] | 5. Pangolier [168] Undying [72] Morphling [114] |
Uncontested Heroes

Moving on from the popular guys, let's look at the lone souls of TI11. Just like it was at the end of the Group Stage, the Playoffs didn't see a single pick or ban for these 8 heroes: Windranger, Dragon Knight, Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, Meepo, Treant Protector, Keeper of the Light, and Techies.
Necrophos was also unpicked throughout the entire tournament, however, it is banned in 1 match by beastcoast.
Most picked heroes for respective roles
Shadow Fiend (40) and Morphling (37) are the two most picked carry heroes at TI11. Pudge follows behind with 29 picks as carry. Pudge has been in the shadows for a while but at TI11, every single team has contested the iconic hero. Thunder Awaken shows its love for the butcher with 7 picks, the most out of every team.
Leshrac is very popular and successful in this tournament, flaunting a 57% win rate in 77 games as a midlaner. Team Secret picked the hero the most with 12 picks, followed by Liquid with 10 picks. Player wise, Aster's Ori and Liquid's miCKe played Leshrac the most with 8 picks.
In the offlane, the most popular pick goes to none other than Enigma with 50 picks. This hero can really shut down the enemy carry and is a pain to lane against. Note that Enigma scores the highest creep deny average by FAR compared to other offlaners.
The most popular supports are Marci, Undying, and Crystal Maiden. These heroes are very flexible and can be played as a pos 4 or pos 5. Crystal Maiden is another Thunder Awaken favorite, with Pandaboo playing the hero 11 times. Sneyking of Tundra Esports trails also picked the Crystal Maiden 11 times
Here are the top 5 most picked heroes for respective roles:
Pos 1 Pos 2 Pos 3 Pos 4 Pos 5 | Shadow Fiend [40] Leshrac [60] Enigma [50] Tiny [54] Undying [36] | Morphling [37] Pangolier [50] Broodmother [36] Marci [51] Crystal Maiden [33] | Pudge [30] Shadow Fiend [38] Visage [32] Undying [34] Marci [26] | Drow Ranger [28] Ember Spirit [33] Beastmaster [31] Crystal Maiden [34] Nyx Assassin [21] | Lifestealer [24] Primal Beast [27] Dawnbreaker [26] Tusk [32] Lich [20] |
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Highest averages at TI11
Next is the highest scores at TI11! Note that these scores do not take into account their pick rate.
- GPM - Alchemist (897.25)
- XPM - Anti-Mage (853.5)
- Last hits/ min - Naga Siren (12.26)
- Kills - Gyrocopter (11.88)
- K/D/A - Arc Warden (7.69)
- Damage/min - Zeus (1,199)
- Tower damage/min - Lone Druid (355)
- Assist - Grimstroke (22.00)
- Healing - Warlock (311.18)
Gyrocopter has a decent stats average though the hero has only been picked 8 times. This hero has a 75% win rate, mostly played by Thunder Awaken's Pakasz.
Best records in a single game
- Kill: Crystallis Bloodseeker (25 kills in Secret vs Spirit G2)
- Assist: RodjER Nyx Assassin (39 assists in BetBoom vs Soniqs G1)
- Last hits: Ghost Terrorblade (1,372 last hits in RNG vs Entity G1)
- Highest damage: Kataomi' Tiny (120,905 total damage in RNG vs Entity G1)
- Highest heal: Chalice Underlord (28, 301 hp heal in RNG vs Entity G1)
What's interesting on this list is that Entity's Kataomi's support Tiny dealt the most damage to heroes, a feat usually achieved by core heroes. Bagging a Divine Rapier, Daedalus, and an Aghanim's Scepter, he dealt a total of 121K hero damage in the 100+ minute elimination game vs RNG, the longest game in TI Main Stage history.
At TI10, Yatoro from Team Spirit showed immense diversity with 21 different heroes played. Now at TI11, OG Yuragi scores the highest diversity with 18 unique heroes in 25 total matches played.
This is Yuragi's hero pool at TI11:

- Most diverse: OG Yuragi (18 unique heroes over 25 matches)
- Least diverse: Entity Kataomi (5 unique heroes over 24 matches)
Battle Pass Meta Predictions
- Most picked hero: Marci [95]
- Most banned hero: Enigma [143]
- Highest win rate (5+ games): Outworld Destroyer [80%]
- Kill average (5+ games): Gyrocopter [11.88]
- Assist average (5+ games): Spirit Breaker [18.5]
- Lowest death average (5+ games): Arc Warden [2.0]
- Last hit average (5+ games): Terrorblade [552]
- XPM average: Gyrocopter [783]
- Most Kills in a game: Bloodseeker [25]
- Most last hits in a game: Terrorblade [1,372]
You can find more stats breakdown for TI11 on Spectral Stats.
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