IRON TALON IS BACK with Dota 2 patch 7.37… And a ton of other item changes too..
The Dota 2 7.37 Patch brought a ton of changes to Dota 2. Which, given that this is the first major patch since innate abilities and hero facets were introduced, makes a lot of sense. On top of all the hero and mechanic changes of the patch, there are a ton of Item changes. Specifically, with regards to nerfing a lot of the Auras and even the re-introduction of some items of old.
Dota 2 Patch 7.37 Item Changes
Roshan's Banner
- Effect radius increased from 600 to 650
- No longer provides +3/6 Damage
- Now provides +50/100 Health
- Spell Lifesteal bonus decreased from 30% to 20%
- Bloodpact spell lifesteal multiplier increased from 2.5x to 4x
- Bloodpact duration decreased from 6s to 5s
- Soul Rend bonus damage on silenced targets from non-heroes attacks decreased from 50 to 25
- Spell Lifesteal bonus rescaled from 15% to 15/16/17/18/19%
Heart of Tarrasque
- Max Health Regen bonus decreased from 1.6% to 1.4%
Heaven's Halberd
- Slow Resistance bonus increased from 20% to 25%
- Disarm mana cost decreased from 100 to 75
Ethereal Blade
- Ether Blast projectile speed increased from 1275 to 1400
Manta Style
- Mirror Image illusion duration decreased from 20s to 18s
Shadow Amulet
- Fade no longer requires the target to remain still
- Fade no longer refreshes its cooldown if cast on self
- Fade now slows the target by 35% while invisible
- Fade can now be dispelled
- Fade cooldown increased from 7s to 18s
- Fade duration decreased from 15s to 3.5s

The Aura/Zoo items all getting changed in patch 7.37
The majority of the aura items for the commonly used Zoo strategies have been altered in Dota 2 patch 7.37. Although you can read about the whole patch here, all the item changes of the Dota 2 patch 7.37 are here.
Crimson Guard
- Guard cooldown increased from 35s to 40s
- Guard additional damage block based on caster’s max health decreased from 2.5% to 2.2%
Eternal Shroud
- Eternal Endurance magic resistance per stack decreased from 4% to 3.5%
Guardian Greaves
- Mend cooldown increased from 40s to 45s
Lotus Orb
- Echo Shell duration decreased from 6s to 5s
Related articles
- Health bonus increased from 150 to 175
Pipe of Insight
- Barrier duration decreased from 12s to 10s
- Insight Aura magic resistance decreased from 10% to 8%
Solar Crest
- Recipe cost decreased from 600 to 500. Total cost decreased from 2700 to 2600
Spirit Vessel
- Recipe changed. Now requires Urn of Shadows, Vitality Booster and a 900g recipe. (Total cost unchanged)
- No longer provides +6 All Attributes. Now provides +375 Health
- Soul Release cooldown increased from 7s to 10s
- Soul Release damage per second decreased from 35 to 25
- Soul Release health gain reduction increased from 45% to 50%
Urn of Shadows
- Recipe changed. Now requires Sage's Mask, Ring of Protection, Fluffy Hat and a 280g Recipe (Total cost unchanged)
- No longer provides +2 All Attributes. Now provides +125 Health
- Soul Release cooldown increased from 7s to 10s

Neutral Items in Patch 7.37
Trusty Shovel
- Dig cooldown no longer ticks down if the Shovel is not in the neutral slot
- Always digs up a Water Rune when used in the river
Fairy's Trinket
- Item cycled out
Ironwood Tree
- Returning as a Tier 1 Neutral item
- Provides +5 to All Attributes. Use: Plant Tree. Plants a happy little tree that lasts for 20 seconds.
Pig Pole
- All Attributes bonus decreased from 5 to 4
- Pig, Out! bonus movement speed increased from 10% to 15%
Iron Talon
- Returning as a Tier 2 Neutral item
- Provides +20 Attack Speed and +4 Armor. Active: Chop. Targets a non-player enemy unit to remove 80% of its current HP. If cast on a tree, instantly destroys it.
Philosopher's Stone
- Now has 750 charges, and depletes a charge every time it grants gold to the owner. When all charges are depleted, the item is destroyed and the owner receives additional 375 gold
Pupil's Gift
- Attribute bonus for Universal heroes increased from +7 to +8
- Now is a Tier 3 Neutral item
- Main Attribute bonus increased from +8 to +10
- Other Attributes bonus increased from +2 to +4
- Strength Magic Resistance bonus increased from +8% to +10%
- Agility Attack Speed bonus increased from +10 to +15
- Intelligence Spell Amp bonus increased from +6% to +8%
Ogre Seal Totem
- Now is a Tier 4 Neutral item
- Strength bonus increased from +10 to +12
- Ogre Seal Flop cooldown decreased from 40s to 35s
- Ogre Seal Flop damage increased from 150 to 250
- Ogre Seal Flop can now change direction while flopping with a reduced turn rate
Martyr's Plate
- Item cycled out
And those are all the item changes of Dota 2 Patch 7.37.
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