We waited, we doubted, but now it’s here! The post-TI11 Dota 2 patch, 7.32d
Finally, those broken heroes that dominated TI11 will be nerfed as Dota 2 patch 7.32d has arrived. Well… most of them, anyway. Posted in the late hours of November 29, the latest patch in Dota 2 brought some significant hero changes.
Some of the big names from the tournament have taken a hit in this patch. Primal Beast, Marci, Enigma, Leshrac, and Undying all got hit with nerfs, big and small, bringing them down to earth. Hero-wise, here’s a breakdown of the biggest winners and losers from the 7.32d Dota 2 patch!
Biggest winners

Anyone who can afford to rush Guardian Greaves got a buff here. This is a passive buff to heroes like Tidehunter, who now gets these boots cheaper, and with more Health Regen. A lot of aura items besides Wraith Pact got buffed. Rather than nerf Wraith Pact into the ground, Valve seems fine with some heroes being the aura builders, and has given them more options.
Grimstroke got several buffs to bring him back into the fold as well as fixing some interactions with Aghanim’s Shard. In fact lots of supports have been tweaked to try and get them into the meta, including KotL, Lion, Mars, and Shadow Demon.
Finally, Wraith King got a passive and active nerf with his Wraithfire Blast and Vampiric Spirit getting a boost. Overall, because skeletons now move faster and attack faster, and the annoying summoning canceling being removed means you can actually have more bone-boys and they’ll do damage more consistently.
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Biggest losers

The heroes that got his in this post TI11 nerf-wave should be no surprise. Leshrac, the hero who could single-handedly dominate games has now been hit with a massive nerf to Split Earth, and an even more massive nerf to Pulse Nova. Pulse Nova now has a 1s CD after its toggled off, and its damage has been hit. What’s more with Bloodstone nerfed, and Leshrac the only hero who realistically builds that item, this hero may be relegated from a must-pick to just “meh.”
Enigma and Undying got their creeps neutered. The eidolon attack range was decreased from 500 to 425/450/475/500, which means you no longer get bullied out of lane at level one by two purple blobs. And Undying’s Soul Rip Heal and Zombie Damage nerfs mean his level 15 powerspike is less. This hero is probably still broken though until people learn to hit the Tombstone.
Primal beast got hit with a nerf on his Onslaught, taking down the damage, and stopping PB if he gets stunned. Marci got similar kinds of nerfs, tweaking Rebound, and most importantly, Sidekick, meaning she gives less sustain. These two also got passive nerfs with the Wraith Pact changes that mean the ward aura no longer reduces Magical or Pure damage. In fact, all heroes that didn’t really need to build items, and could afford to rush that WP got nerfed indirectly.
Other things of note from patch 7.32d notes
- Razor got buffed, presumably to sell the Arcana
- Lots of conventional carries got buffs to try and diversify the carry pool. Alchemist, Chaos Knight, Death Prophet, Windranger, Troll etc.
- Morphling got a nerf that doesn’t feel noticeable
- Valve want instant traps to be more of a thing? Why else are they stealth buffing Templar Assassin’s Psionic Trap and Techies’ Sticky Bomb.
Overall, a big patch to shake up the meta. This kind of patch is great for refreshing things, although I think some will be looking towards patch 7.33, and some big changes, rather than this adjustment patch. Check out the complete patch notes here.