Dota 2’s March 6 Dead Reckoning update has added the new hero, Muerta, some small changes, but isn’t the huge 7.33 patch some expected.
Dota 2’s latest patch is here, and it’s not 7.33, but does have Muerta. Muerta, a ranged carry, joins Dota 2 bringing with her trickshots, spectral damage, and more! Dual-wielding a pair of pistols, Muerta is sending souls to the other side, whether they want to or not!
But even with Muerta’s release, some fans will be disappointed this isn’t the 7.33 update. Instead, the Dead Reckoning update is 7.32e, the (hopefully) final patch in the 7.32 series. The next big patch, 7.33, will come at the end of April, meaning a few more weeks without significant changes to the game.
Still, here’s our breakdown and summary of Dota 2 Patch 7.32e, the Dead Reckoning Update!
Muerta added to Dota 2 in Dead Reckoning Update

Muerta, after originally being teased at TI11, is finally released. With a ranged vector-targetted trickshot, some AoE slow, a multi-shot passive, and a complete physical damage immunity for her ultimate ability, Muerta seems like perfect for either the middle lane or side lane core positions.
You can read more about Muerta in our handy guide, by clicking here, or just below.
But beyond the ghostly apparition's abilities, there's plenty of death-themed goodies added to the patch to keep us going until April. Such as...
Dead Reckoning Mini-Game
The Dead Reckoning Mini game will see Muerta send warm-bodies to fresh graves. During the event, you'll be given an assigned target during every game of Dota. Kills and Assists earn points, or Muerta's Flowers, and the person with the most points/flowers gets double rewards.

Naturally, this is going to turn the already greedy, kill chasing, feeding animals that play Dota 2 even more blood-thirsty. Why? Because the winners will be able to turn their flowers in for Dead Reckoning Chests.
What are Dead Reckoning Chests in Dota 2?

Dead Reckoning Chests are a special reward that redeemed for Dota 2 cosmetic sets. These sets are all inspired by the Día de Muertos/Day of the Dead theme, and there's some incredibly cool, cute, and creepy sets available. People are definitely going to be on the hunt for these. So watch your back out there if you're someone's target!
Oh and check out all the sets from the treasure here!
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Dota 2 Dead Reckoning changes, new features tweaks
As mentioned, this isn't the huge patch we might have been expected. However, there are some interesting tweaks and additions.
New features
Dota+ Subscribers will now have even deeper advanced battle stats, so it's even more pay-to-win (only joking). Quickcast keys now unit specific, so you can change which abilities and items are triggered using key press or release. Change it up by selecting "Unit Specific Hotkeys" and "Enable Quickcast" for Abilities and Items in the Hotkeys tab of the Settings menu. Finally, there's now a favorites function for your friends list. Which means you can always see the players you want to play with (or spy on your rival). Great quality of life change!
Turbo Mode gets rocket boosted
Turbo Mode has had a bunch of changes, such as making it all blind pick, removing penalty draft timers, and instead randoming heroes if they don't select one (oh dear). Arcana tracking has been updates as well, so you can now grind Arcanas in Turbo Mode games better. And timing items, like Null Talisman, Wraith Band, and Bracer have had their timers halved for the mode. Makes sense!
Item and Hero Changes

There are some basic nerfs and buffs across the board. Obnoxious stuff like Guardian Greaves and Gleipnir got nerfed, and heroes such as Lina and Treant have been neutered. We'll cover this in more detail in our dedicated article!
Where's patch 7.33 then?!
As Valve stated in their post, update 7.33 is coming in late April, and that's disappointing: "We get it. Many of you were hoping for Patch 7.33."
But the delay is explained as well: "We’ve been working on an ambitious gameplay patch for a while, and we were hoping to get it done in time for this update. We’re currently aiming to release it in late April. So in the meantime, while we put the finishing touches on it, enjoy the Dead Reckoning Update and Patch 7.32e."
So time to buckle up, enjoy this murderous minigame, and wait it out to til April. And stay with us here on!