Get your gaming budget in order because this one will hit hard.

Dota 2 invented the Battle Pass, but the game hasn’t had a proper one since 2022. Valve’s newer approach to updates puts cosmetics on the backburner in favor of gameplay updates, though it has been quite a while since the last major overhaul. Dota 2 is due for something big, and Valve is ready to oblige with Crownfall. 

Thanks to recent hints from the developer, we’re pretty sure we already know when Dota 2 will get its next Battle Pass. Here’s everything Valve has confirmed and when we think it will arrive.

Next Dota 2 Battle Pass will likely be this month

We believe that the next Dota 2 Battle Pass will come out sometime in April 2024, with the most likely date being April 23.

Our estimate is based on official statements on the official Dota 2 blog and social media posts from community manager Wykrhm Reddy. In the post introducing patch 7.35d, Valve ended with a note that Crownfall would release in the middle of April. Reddy confirmed this plan, copying the phrasing of “mid-April.” 

The last Battle Pass was for Diretide in 2022 (Image via Valve)
The last Battle Pass was for Diretide in 2022 (Image via Valve)

Jokes about Valve time aside (neither post ruled out April of 2025), this gives a window for release. Valve tends to release updates on Tuesday, which further narrows the possibilities. With these two assumptions, the potential dates are April 9, 16, and 23. The last date gives Valve the most time to polish the update while sticking to the publicized timeline.

It’s worth noting that the Dota 2 blog only confirmed the Crownfall update, not a Battle Pass to go with it. However, the release timeline all but guarantees that there will be some kind of big event. Leaks for Crownfall include multiple new Arcanas as well as filenames for a Queen of Pain boss fight. Big PvE game modes and Battle Passes go hand in hand, so while not 100% certain, we strongly believe that Ringmaster will come with a Battle Pass.

Stay tuned to for the latest updates on all things Dota 2.