Ceb wants people to trust the process as he reacts to flame over Old G’s signing of Kitrak.

If you don’t know who Kitrak is, Sébastien "Ceb" Debs has some words for you: “How long is it going to take for people to learn…?” That was the message given to fans whose response to Old G’s signing of Kartik "Kitrak" Rathi was shock and surprise.

Old G, the not-so-retirement home for OG’s record-setting millionaire former players, is slowly making it there way through the DPC Close Qualifiers, having racked up a number of wins. But when the roster for Old G was announced, many were baffled by the inclusion of one name, Kitrak.

With his fellow Support maligned, Ceb made some comments on his stream, on March 21, to silence the haters: “Kitrak is really good. I saw the Reddit thread when we announced we registered, Kitrak got so much flak… ah, people, people.”

Ceb on Kitrak: "Ana always spoke really highly of him"

Ceb went on to describe a repeating pattern with people flaming their new rosters, only to be proven wrong: “Last time you flamed newcomers — when we got Ana, Topson, they got flamed.”

“When we made the new OG roster, they got flamed. They won a Major by the way. Was top-1 DPC.”

“Kitrak is getting flamed. How long is it going to take for people to learn, and trust us with who we choose? Like seriously. It’s so lame actually.”

But don’t just take one two-time TI winner’s word for it. He backed up his word with the opinion of fellow double Aegis-lifter, Anathan "Ana" Pham: “We’ve known Kitrak for a while. He’s Ana’s good friend. Ana always spoke really highly of him. When Ana was speaking, he spoke highly of Kitrak, so, you know.”

“Kitrak is getting flamed. How long is it going to take for people to learn, and trust us with who we choose? It’s so lame actually.”

Ceb on Kitrak

Prior to joining Old G, Kitrak was somewhat of a NA dota Journeyman, having played alongside some of the most recognizable names in Dota 2, such as Quinn "Quinn" Callahan, Ludwig "zai" Wåhlberg, Peter "ppd" Dager, Avery "SVG" Silverman, Jonathan "Bryle" Guia, and more. His Dota 2 pedigree certainly isn’t lacking then. 

We’ll have to wait and see if OG’s scouting has done it again. But given that a former OG player won TI11 last year, their eye for talent is definitely nothing to turn your nose up at!

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