When does Dota 2 Battle Pass Part II release?



Part 2 of the Dota 2 battle pass will also see the launch of the Diretide game mode.

The Dota 2 International Battle Pass has adopted a unique format for this year. The Battle Pass has two parts to it, with the first concluding with TI11. The second part of The International 2022 Battle Pass was announced to release after TI11. Here’s all we know about Part II of the Battle Pass.

When will the Dota 2 Battle Pass Part II (2) release?

The second part of the Battle Pass will release on November 3rd, 2022.

The Dota 2 Battle Pass includes several cosmetic items as well as quite a few Arcanas. The first part of the Dota 2 Battle Pass features a Faceless Void Arcana and a Phantom Assassin Persona. There are many more cosmetics coming up in the second part of the Battle Pass. 

TI11 came to an end on October 31st with Tundra Esports emerging as the victors. This TI also saw Puppey secure the second place for Team Secret, one step closer to finally attaining the Aegis.

Over the past several years, Puppey’s Team Secret has steadily climbed through the TI rankings, with a fourth-place finish at TI9, a third-place finish at TI10 and now they came second. Puppey is also the only Dota 2 player to have played in all The Internationals to date.

What’s included in Part II of the Dota 2 battle pass?

  • Crystal Maiden Persona
  • Razor Arcana
  • Immortal II
  • Diretide Game Mode
  • Candy Works and Treasure Emporium

There’s a lot coming in Part II of the Dota 2 battle pass. While the Crystal Maiden Persona and the Razor Arcana will be some of the most anticipated, there is also the Immortal II treasure box. There are also reports of the Immortal III treasure boxes to be released later, but these could not be confirmed. 

The Diretide Game mode is one of the most anticipated game modes that will be sure to bring a festive cheer to Dota 2. Diretide has become an annual event in Dota 2 with players collecting candy and greevelings.

The Battle pass announcement blog also lists a Candy Works and Treasure Emporium. This is most likely a shop where players can exchange their candy for some other cosmetics, although there are not many details available at the time of writing.