The Dota 2 2023 Collector’s Cache is here! Keep track of all the sets and details with our handy guide to the new treasure.

With the release of the Dota 2 Summer Client Update on August 30, the 2023 Collector’s Cache was added to the game. With over a dozen new sets included, as well as some very rare sets with some unavailable Personas linked to them, the Collector’s Cache is living up to the hype this year. Here’s everything you need to know:

How to get the Dota 2 2023 Collector’s Cache sets

In the past, Collector’s Cache sets were part of the Battle Pass, but could also be purchased separately. With no Battle Pass, they can now only be purchased at the price of $2.49 (regional pricing applies). You can grab this in-client, each Cache treasure contains one set. You can also recycle six repeat or unwanted sets into a single 2023 Collector’s Cache treasure and 2,000 shards.

All sets in the Dota 2 2023 Collector’s Cache

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(Screenshot by

There are 16 sets in the 2023 Collector’s Cache, and each of these is a unique and new skin added to the game specially for this treasure. They’re all very vibrant and unique sets, and trying very hard to earn their $2.49 price tag.

Spectral Shadow - Abaddon

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(Image via Valve)

Abaddon takes to a Dragon in this impressive-looking set that sees show off his more spectral form.

Taur Rider - Alchemist

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(Image via Valve)

Alchemist mounts up on the back of a fearsome Minotaur, complete with appropriate ancient empire-themed gear.

Turstarkuri Pilgrim - Anti-Mage (Ultra Rage)

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(Image via Valve)

Perhaps the most imported set in the whole Dota 2 2023 Collector's Cache, the Turstarkuri Pilgrim is your chance to get the Anti-Mage Persona again, practically for free! (Although you'll have to buy a fair amount of treasures, as its an Ultra Rare)

Astral Herald - Dawnbreaker

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(Image via Valve)

Dawnbreaker takes to the stars again with this impressive cosmic set!

Dezun Viper - Dazzle

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(Image via Valve)

Dazzle is genuinely toxic with this set that's all snakes.

Darkwood Eulogy - Death Prophet

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(Image via Valve)

We really love this Death Prophet set, that reminds us a little bit of Muerta now we think about it!

Tomo’Kan Footsoldier - Hoodwink

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(Image via Valve)

It's genuinely impressive how Valve keeps making Hoodwink skins that make her look formidable, and not just like an angry squirrel. Can see why this is one of the poster children of the Dota 2 2023 Collector's Cache.

Ancestral Heritage - Jakiro

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(Image via Valve)

Jakiro wants to reclaim his phoenix heritage apparently, and this is the way he's doing it!

Sea Spirit - Kunkka 

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(Image via Valve)

Yes, you're seeing right, Kunkka has a fish tank in his chest in this set.

Triumph of the Imperatrix - Legion Commander

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(Image via Valve)

Legion Commander has so many incredible sets, I wish the ones in my games would stop dying in duels...

Brightfist - Marci (Rare)

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(Image via Valve)

Magical Girl Marci is a real thing now, thanks to the Brightfist set. You can't look at the hair and not think of Sailor Moon. Either the best or worst set of the Dota 2 2023 Collector's Cache, but we haven't decided yet.

Primeval Abomination - Primal Beast

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(Image via Valve)

Another incredible-looking set for Primal Beast that makes us want to play this monstrosity more!

Snailfire - Snapfire (Very Rare)

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(Image via Valve)

Snapfire riding a snail. There's not much more we can say!

Crescent Huntress - Spectre

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(Image via Valve)

Another incredible Spectre skin I expect to see beating me in pub games anytime soon.

Beast of Thunder - Storm Spirit

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(Image via Valve)

A homage to the origins of the Storm Spirit hero in DotA: Allstars, all this set is missing is the green eyes and really smug grin that made the original one insufferable.

Tyrant of the Veil - Wraith King

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(Image via Valve)

With Wraith King's current popularity in pubs, it's only fitting this brutal hero got a new, badass set to take for a spin!

That's all the sets from the Dota 2 2023 Collector's Cache. Stay with for more Dota 2 esports and in-game news!