Cloud9 eliminate Falcons from TI13



Falcons survive and will compete in the Lower Bracket semifinals.

The Cloud9 vs Falcons match was the Lower Bracket quarterfinals series, an elimination series that would send the loser out of The International 2024. With the last opportunity for both teams, the series came down to some interesting draft choices. Ultimately, the Falcons emerged victorious surviving for yet another match in their lower bracket run. 

Game 1

The first game saw Cloud9 pick a Bane Elemental on Fishman. The support pick did not work out as expected as the team was trailing right from the word get go. While Bane is a single-target hero, Falcon’s pick included a Monkey King and a Broodmother. Both of these heroes are difficult for a Bane to counter and it was evident in the way the team was always trailing behind the opponents in their matches.

After the 6 minute mark, Falcons moved ahead without any issues and were completely dominant. In a way, Fishman was caught out of position, but as a hero that has limited mobility it was always going to be difficult to escape versus heroes that can catch up to you in no time.

Ultimately, the game ended with a resounding victory for Falcons as they were able to build on their early momentum to tower over their oppoennts. There were a few moments when Cloud9 would catch the Broodmother out of position, but these frags were so less frequent that it did not really change the course of the game completely. 

Game 2 -Timbersaw steals the show

The second game saw Cloud9 go for Clockwork, Winter Wyvern and Sand King. With Luna as the carry and No[o]ne on Earth Spirit, they had a potent lineup on their hands. However, the last pick of Timbersaw completely spoiled Cloud9’s game plan. Timbersaw marched ahead through the enemy lines and there was no stopping him. While most of the Cloud9 roster required adequate levels and farm to be effective, Mar1ne would simply waltz through the enemy backlines and rampage through them. 

Overall, it was simply an outplay by Falcons, both in terms of draft but also in terms of overall performance. Timbersaw (Marine) ended the game with 17 frags and a GPM of 720. The biggest problem for Falcons was Fishman’s Clockwork and once they eliminated him, it was easy work for the team. The second game lasted for 41 minutes and Falcons had a 20-frag lead over their opponents.

With this loss, Cloud9 are now out of the tournament. They had a great run and put up some commendable performances about it. Meanwhile, Falcons now move ahead to the Lower Bracket Semifinal. They will face off against the winner of the Tundra vs Xtreme Gaming match.

That series is an interesting one. On one hand, we have Ame trying to win his first TI, a fact as surprising considering the stature of the player and how far he has been responsible for the rise of Chinese Dota. On the other hand, on Tundra Esports, we have Topson - who is trying to win his third TI. An interesting match that will undoubtedly create great storylines.

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