Here’s a summary of Ceb’s Reddit AMA where he answered the community’s biggest curiosities.
Days before OG releases another documentary with Dota 2 star, Ceb, the two-time TI winner opened up an Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) thread on Dota 2's sub-Reddit. Fans flock to the thread to ask questions and Ceb answered a ton of them, including a nostalgic question about Arteezy. We have compiled some of the best questions and answers from Ceb below!
I want to thank each and everyone of you for taking the time to step by and drop a question..Great questions honestly, had me thinking about so many different topics / moments in my career, I had a great time.
Is Arteezy still overrated?

One of the most upvoted questions and answers took us all on a nostalgic trip to nine years ago. Ceb was playing under and he made an AMA thread on Dota 2's subreddit. A user asked him his opinion on Arteezy, who was then a rising player. He called Arteezy "a bit overrated" and that started a storm in the community. It became a huge drama at that time, but it has ripened as a historic moment and a great meme.

Nine years later..
In this AMA, a user asked the exact same question. Ceb took the "bait" and responded: "Of course he is a great player, and has tons to offer. I've played against him many many times, and felt the pain." But Ceb gave the community what they needed to hear and he uttered his line. "On a more serious note, He's a good player, a bit overated in my opinion. But definitely okay to be in a top team!"

Who is leading Old G?
A user asked Ceb about the qualities of a leader and who is captaining the ship in Old G. To this, Ceb stated that some things in leadership can be taught but he believes there is something innate about it. "I do feel that there is something innate about it, that can also come with time. To me, it's really about feeling and believing in what you say so much that the passion and the energy with which you convey the message does the job for you." He also clarifies that he currently leading and doing the drafting for Old G at the moment.
What is the current state of Dota 2?
A user asked Ceb's opinion on the current state of Dota 2 and how Valve is handling it. Ceb feels like this question is a bit too large but he summarized his thoughts. He praises Dota as the best game out there and says that the scene is alive and growing. But he also stated that Valve can do more and should do more.

Ceb updates on his health

In 2021, Ceb almost didn't make it to TI10 due to an emergency medical issue with his eyes. He was close to being replaced but ended up playing in the tournament at a slight disadvantage. A user asked in this AMA about the condition of his eyes. To this, Ceb said that it is "retina detachment" that comes from his bad eyesight, and it's a lifelong problem he'll have to deal with.

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Who are Ceb's playstyle inspirations?

A user wanted to know who are the inspirations for Ceb in terms of playstyle. To this, he mentioned two players, MinD_ContRoL, and Faith_bian as the main two. Team-wise, Ceb upholds Wing's Gaming and the old NAVI as the biggest inspirations.

Has Ceb spoken to Fly?

A user questioned if Ceb has spoken to Fly ever since "the split" which refers to OG's feud with Fly in 2018. This question is definitely more personal than the rest but Ceb responded anyway, saying that he hasn't but plans to do so.

Is the stack of papers at TI9 purely for memes?

After TI8 True Sight was released, fans memed about OG's stack of papers that was intimidating their opponents, PSG.LGD. A year later at TI9, OG would be seen bringing a larger stack of papers which quickly became a running joke. A user was curious if the stack of papers at TI9 was legit or if it was for the laughs. To this, Ceb reveals that it was a bit of both as there were legit papers and they also ended up adding a bunch of white papers below to freak out their opponents a bit.

Ceb plans to stream more
A user brought up if Ceb wants to stream more and he responds in a positive. He stated that he had just finished his setup and will commit to more streams. However, there is no schedule as of now.

Who's the best player at their peak?

A user wants to know who Ceb upholds as the best Dota 2 player in their prime. To this question, Ceb crowns Miracle- as the best. But Ceb mentions ana and Topson as the best "in general".

That's all for the Ceb AMA summary. This AMA was made to celebrate the upcoming documentary regarding Ceb's run at the Stockholm Major which you can watch here. You can visit the Reddit thread to browse more answers!
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