Try and bring those latest funny and permanent chat wheel voice lines back home and use them when you are ranking up!

The International 2024, also known as TI13 Compendium, has been released, bringing another wave of exciting content to the Dota 2 community. Among the various Compendium tasks, rewards, and Battle Pass features, the most anticipated by players are the chat wheel voice lines, which have become a cultural phenomenon in Dota 2.

With this Compendium, we have another chance to expand our collection of chat wheel voice lines. These voice lines are permanent and won't disappear after TI13 ends. So, if you're interested, make sure to purchase them during the TI event.

TI13 best team voice lines

Valve has once again brought back the Team Supporters Club in this Compendium. It's important to note that the voice lines in the Supporters Club cannot be purchased separately. You must buy the corresponding team's Gold Tier Supporters Club to unlock these exclusive voice lines. Notably, only Team Liquid's voice lines are entirely in English, while other teams' bundles include a mix of languages. This gives each team’s voice lines a unique character and regional flavor.

Here are some of the best team voice lines:

  • Team Falcons

The Falcons Sfrupporters Pack includes a “GAWK GAWK” voice line, which mimics a falcon's call and is perfect for Falcons fans who wish to show their support during matches. The “OH YEAHH” voice line is highly versatile, suitable for celebrating victories or adding humor to in-game moments.

Team Falcons voice lines (Image via Valve Corporation)
Team Falcons voice lines (Image via Valve Corporation)
  • Team Liquid

Team Liquid's voice line bundle is the only one entirely in English, making it ideal for global players. Boxi’s “Misplay after misplay after misplay after misplay” is perfect for those moments when either you or your opponents make mistakes, carrying a clear tone of mockery. Insania’s “Supp diff... what can you do?” is great for support players, especially when you’ve given your best, but the outcome wasn’t favorable.

More voice lines (Image via Valve Corporation)
More voice lines (Image via Valve Corporation)

Best talent voice line recommendations

Besides team voice lines, the talent voice lines in the TI13 Compendium are also a major highlight. Here are some of our top picks:

  • Danog: > No.
  • Lacoste: > This gamer goes brrrrr.
  • ODPixel: > I love this game.
  • Moxxi: > Thanks!
  • Jenkins: > [Circus Music]
  • Cap: > Wrong answer.
  • Fogged: > Did I do that?
  • Slacks: > Oh my little baby!
Talent voice line recommendations (Image via Valve Corporation)
Talent voice line recommendations (Image via Valve Corporation)

The TI13 Compendium offers a wide variety of voice lines, each with its own unique personality. The voice lines we’ve recommended here are just a small selection. There are many more excellent ones waiting for you to discover. We encourage everyone to log in to the Dota 2 client, listen to these unique chat wheel voice lines, and choose the ones that best match your style. Enjoy the game responsibly and spend wisely!

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