The NA DPC showed signs of life with two great matches in week 2, one of which included a bizarre base race fail by none other than EternalEnvy.
As we are now a few weeks into season two of the NA DPC season, the matchups have been looking as spicy as ever. The new patch is still being figured out by the teams and we’ve gotten some crazy combinations. Earlier this week we saw the brilliance of Alliance taking down OG in the EU DPC.
As Jenkins put it in his recent analysis: “It’s always chaos when a new patch starts.” This week has been no different. In the matches yesterday of the NA DPC, we saw two matches that might define how the rest of the season would go for the teams playing.
Week 2: Quincy Crew versus Black and Yellow
Black and Yellow had disappointing results last season in the DPC, finishing 2-5. This season, the expectations for the team are still high, especially with the addition of EternalEnvy in the carry position. Quincy Crew of course, got eliminated in the first round of the Singapore Major, and are presumably back in this DPC season with a vengeance.
Bizarre draft for Quincy Crew in NA DPC
This series was absolutely bonkers. The first game lasted a whopping 68 minutes and 34 seconds with Quincy Crew coming on top in the end. The early game actually went really well for BnY, with them winning all of the lanes and esK, their mid player, performing exceptionally well against the rank one NA player Quinn. After all it was a pretty strange draft from Quincy Crew, with Quinn not on one of his flashier heroes and Yawar on a carry Nature’s Prophet. Analyst Aui-2000 pointed out that the Radiant line-up lacked a lot of damage.
Eternalenvy all chats "ROFL" as his base race attempt goes awry
However, with some questionable attempts at solo kills from esK getting Quincy back into the game, compiled with EternalEnvy not toggling his Radiance on Wraith King while being disrupted, allowed Quincy to stretch the game out massively. The game ended with a climatic base race as EternalEnvy tried to bring down the Radiant Ancient but ended up being perma stunned by the Ballista of LoA on the Winter Wyvern.
The second game went a lot worse for Black and Yellow. Quincy went with a more standard lineup with Yawar and Quinn on some of their signature heroes, Jugg and Void Spirit respectively. The lanes went horrifically for BnY and they ended up conceding after just 16 minutes and 34 seconds.
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Week 2: Undying v. Too Based
The lower division gods SimplyTooBased had a great first season going undefeated in the lower division to move up and compete with the big boys while Undying had a strong showing competing in the 3-way tiebreakers for spots at the Singapore major, but falling short, and like Quincy, are back with a vengeance for the NA DPC Season 2.
At first, TooBased seemed to be playing great, with MonkeysForever popping off on his signature Timbersaw. However, commenter ppd noted that Monkey’s choice of a Lotus orb rush may have stunted his scaling potential and have been an error going up against the power of the minus armor of Slardar. In the end, it looked as if TooBased could never fight into Undying, with the massive team fight of the Undying lineup.
The second game wasn’t too hot for TooBased either. It looked rough even from the draft phase with Beastmaster going unbanned and falling into the hands of Undying. TooBased tried to respond with a last pick Rubick mid to attempt to deal with the Axe spam of Bryle, but it looked as if IAnnihilate couldn’t pull it together, as this was not a hero he plays often, and Undying ended up taking the series.
What this means for their NA DPC season

With these results, both Undying and Quincy Crew have 2-0 scores in the NA DPC season 2 so far, putting them in a good position for their upcoming matches, while TooBased sits at a score of 1-2 and Black and Yellow at 0-2, putting both teams ahead of the bottom 3 teams.
These series show that NA Dota is still alive and while and to be honest, insane to watch. Hopefully we’ll have more crazy games like this to wet our whistle in the rest of the season!