Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, congratulated Natus Vincere shortly after their PGL Stockholm Major victory over G2 esports.

NAVI won the PGL Stockholm Major after a dominant performance throughout the tournament. The flawless victory made NAVI the first team in CS: natusGO history to win a Major without dropping a single map. And it was not unnoticed as Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelensky, congratulated NAVI on its latest achievement. 

For decades, our e-athletes have won titles, distinguishing Ukraine on the world map. Yesterday was no exception. Ukrainian club @natusvincere for the first time in its history won the Major tournament with CS: GO. Another success that inspires many!

Volodymyr Zelensky in a Congratulatory Message to NAVI.

The fact that Ukraine's President’s congratulated message for NAVI is sure to come as a huge shot in the arm for the NAVI players. As B1ade said in a post-match interview, “This might be the start of a new era for NAVI”.

A Flawless Major Victory for Natus Vincere

Natus Vincere started out as the favorite to win the PGL Stockholm Major. There were some competitors at the tournament, but S1mple and co. were in top form. They finished the Major without dropping a single map, a feat accomplished by no other team in the world.

NAVI met G2 in the Grand Finals of the Major and they won the series 2-0. G2 was one round away from taking the series to a Map 3, but they were unable to close it out on Nuke. Eventually, a heroic performance by S1mple, electronic and B1t catapulted the CIS organization to victory. Despite being a staple name in CS: GO (NAVI has attended all Majors to date), NAVI had won a single Major. They had been a part of three Grand Finals, but they lost every time, until 2021.

This victory comes shortly after NAVI won the Intel Grand Slam Season 3. Esports in the CIS region have seen a massive rise in popularity with the recent victories for Team Spirit at TI10 and now NAVI at the PGL Stockholm Major. Russia’s President Vladimir Putin had also written a congratulatory note to Team Spirit after their TI10 victory.

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