The clash of the titans. Heroic and Team Liquid are both in excellent form. The winner of this match moves on to the Champions Stage.

The highlight of Round 3 matches on May 14 will be the Heroic vs Liquid match. The BLAST Paris Major is at a tipping point for many of the tier-one orgs. The Heroic vs Team Liquid match winner will secure an invitation to the next stage, while the loser will have another opportunity to do so. Here’s a short preview as well as Heroic vs Liquid live score and clips.

Team 1
Team 2
Map 1
Map 2
Map 3
HeroicLiquidInferno (16-11)Mirage (11-16)Ancient (16-12)(2-1)
Map 3 starting soon!

Heroic vs Team Liquid Match43-39

Map 1: Late Resurgence for Liquid proves ineffective

The match started with a very strong performance on the CT side for Heroic. With nine of the first ten rounds, it looked like Heroic was simply going to run away with the map.

Inferno is one of their better maps, although Liquid is not really a walkover on this map either. The distribution of kills was very even on the Heroic side. Ultimately, CadiaN ended the map with 23 kills, but stavn was at 24 and the rest were slightly lower.

Team Liquid did not have a star player that could pick up most of the frags. There was no laggard, but that did not help them as they had to surmount a 4-11 score after the first half. The second half saw Liquid win the all-important pistol and quite a few rounds after that. But once Heroic stabilized their economy, they were able to string four rounds in a row to secure the map and take a lead in the series.

This series is extremely important for both teams as the winner will advance to the arena - the Champions stage. Heroic are undoubtedly the favorite coming into this series, but Team Liquid is a squad that has been slowly but surely improving their performance even at Paris. They might just make a dark horse run through the Paris Major if a few moves go their way.

Map 2: Mirage

When Heroic put on a stellar performance on Team Lquid's Inferno, TL were not to be left behind. Starting on the favored CT side, Team Liquid won the pistol round.

But Heroic managed the anti-eco to win the next three rounds, essentially stealing the thunder from Team Liquid. Once Team Liquid secured their economy and got their weapons, they were able to stabilize their defense.

As was the case in the previous map, all members stepped up and had near-identical scores. Team Liquid secured the first half with a slight lead at 8-7. Winning the pistol again in the second half, Team Liquid took advantage of their early lead to continue to apply pressure on the Heroic holds. The score up to 15-7, it looked like the game was almost over for Heroic. However, they strung together four consecutive rounds to take the score to 15-11.

At this moment, the casters and fans alike were wondering. Is a comeback possible? Is it going to happen?

Alas for Heroic fans, Team Liquid rushed through, a change of pace and secured the final needed round to secure the map. With the series scored tied at 1-1, it all came down to the final map of Ancient.

Heroic vs Team Liquid preview

Heroic: The favorites, who can stop them?

For many CS:GO fans, the BLAST Paris Major is Heroic’s to lose. Coming into the tournament as a favorite, Heroic has hit the ground running. Granted it’s only been two best-of-ones, but a 2-0 score is significantly better than a 1-1 or worse, a 0-2. The nature of their victories further reinforces the fans’ confidence in the Danes to take it all. 

Playing Inferno against FaZe, Heroic managed a decent CT side, limiting FaZe Clan to just seven rounds. But it was Heroic’s aggressive and yet calculated T side that simply tore through the FaZe defense. When a team like FaZe Clan fails to win a single CT round, you know the opponent was good. 

Leading the charge was cadiaN with 22 kills and a +11 K-D. The team’s IGL is often the player to stabilize the boat and this time, he did it by getting some frags. 

The team’s next matchup was against, on paper, a weaker opponent in Apeks. But the result was the same, a 16-10 victory for the Danes. This time, it was two other players on the team that stepped up. TeSeS came in with 22 kills while Sjuush came in one short at 21.

The two matches highlight the team’s fragging diversity and how any player or set of players can simply step up to hand Heroic the victory. This is what makes Heroic a strong opponent, one that can constantly put forth wins over wins. And when you have the entire team performing at an optimal level, Heroic is as scary as any team of the past. 

Team Liquid oozing with confidence

YEKINDAR of Team Liquid. (Image Credit: Team Liquid)
YEKINDAR of Team Liquid. (Image Credit: Team Liquid)

Team Liquid has seen a resurgence recently with players believing they can win the Major. If Cloud9 did it, why can’t Team Liquid? It’s a great mentality to have and confidence plays a key role in Counter-Strike esports. 

To back it up, the Team Liquid roster defeated 9INE is just as many rounds as their name suggests. Their next match was obviously the more important one, against one of the strongest teams at this event. However, defeating NAVI 16-8 has only served to highlight the North American team as a worthy adversary for any roster looking to win the tournament. 

"We were one of the teams that chose to not bootcamp because of the travel schedule, and I think it benefitted us a lot."

YEKINDAR came in clutch against NAVI with 29 kills and a 2.00 rating. It is very difficult to get a 2.0 rating, and even more so against an established favorite such as NAVI. But the other members on the squad didn’t disappoint either as NAF and oSee all had positive KDAs. 

Heroic vs Team Liquid

The Heroic vs Team Liquid match will be one of the most interesting matchups of the Round 3 Legends stage. Both teams are in excellent form, and while one is the favorite, the other is a rising stock. 

In terms of maps, Heroic has the advantage on Mirage and Ancient. Team Liquid can play Anubis and Inferno to excellent impact. But it will come down to the remaining maps, where both teams are proficient to see which team can emerge victorious in the series. 

Even in scrims, it feels like we play better versus the better teams, and we tend to make a lot more mistakes versus the weaker teams.

Team Liquid is on a winning streak, having won their last five matches including wins over Grahound and COmplexity before this event. Heroic came into this event with a 0-2 loss to Team Vitality, but they are a team that always plays at an elite level. This bo3 series might go the distance and it will most likely go to map 3 to have a decision. 

You can catch the BLAST Paris Major live scores in our hub. 

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