The Open Letter highlights the IGLs’ Firm stance against exploitation of Mental Health or Physical Health issues to justify allowance of emergency substitute.

The BLAST Premier Fall Finals is off to a controversial start as seven In Game Leaders have come together in an open letter to protest BLAST’s decision. The letter, presented to, is in protest of BLAST’s decision to allow a controversial substitute change for Astralis.

Seven Counter-Strike IGLs post Open Letter Protesting BLAST’s decision

Seven In-Game Leaders - KarrigaN, apex, Snappi, Aleksib, Twistzz, Snax as well as Chopper have come out in protest against BLAST’s decision to allow a last-minute substitute change. BLAST’s rules allow for emergency substitutions in case of mental health or phyiscal health issues. However, Astralis termed bro ‘unfit to play’ and requested a change that would allow Cadian to come in and play the tournament. 

In the open letter, the IGLs also refer to past precedents where coaches have played for the teams due to roster locks. Heroic at BLAST Fall Groups and G2 at the Spring Finals used their coaches are substitutes due to unforeseen circumstances. 

The Open Letter

There are two things we as IGLs want to address when it comes to Blast's decision regarding the allowance of Cadian to play for Astralis at Blast Fall Finals.

Firstly, integrity is at utmost importance. The roster lock rules are established for this very purpose. There have been 2 separate cases where coaches were forced to play for their respective teams: Heroic at Blast Fall Groups, and G2 at Blast Spring Finals. Emergency substitutes have previously been denied, and in this case, we believe that if br0 is in fact unfit to play, Astralis coach Ruggah would have to step in and play.

The results at Blast Fall Finals have a significant impact on the RMR Rankings, as well as a significant impact on the teams that are currently fighting for crucial points to qualify for Blast World Finals.

The second aspect we wish to address is our firm stance against the exploitation of mental health or physical health issues as a means to justify the allowance of an emergency substitute. We believe that such matters should never be taken lightly. In the event that a player faces an emergency in the future, it is essential to respect their privacy and extend our wishes for a speedy recovery to them.

We are not requesting evidence of br0’s situation, and we extend our best wishes and respect to him, if an emergency is indeed the case. As previously mentioned, rules are rules, and according to the precedent set by Blast stating that if no substitutes are added prior to the event, the coach would be the primary substitute.

Given the circumstances, we believe that Ruggah should serve as a substitute, and permitted to play, if he is in good health and fit to do so.

Finally, if Astralis were to receive a penalty or sanction, we advocate that any fine imposed should be going towards a mental health charity donation.


karrigan, apex, snappi, aleksib, twistzz, snax, chopper

Edit: BLAST have since come out with a statement whereby they stand by their decison to allow Astralis to make a substitute emergency change.