GM Alejandro Ramirez is under investigation after sexual assault allegations by WGM Jennifer Shahade. Multiple parties have backed up the accusations and sent their support.

Costa Rican-American chess Grandmaster, Alejandro Ramirez, is currently under investigation by US Chess and the St. Louis Chess Club for sexual misconduct. The 34-year-old GM is accused of sexually assaulting multiple individuals including WGM Jennifer Shahade, who took to Twitter to reveal the details.

Shahade accuses Alejandro Ramirez of multiple sexual misconduct

On February 15, 2023, Jennifer Shahade, a two-time United States Women's Champion, took to Twitter to drop sexual assault allegations against Alejandro Ramirez. Both of them had worked alongside each other as commentators in St. Louis chess events. Ramirez is currently the head coach for St. Louis University chess team.

The post captioned “Time’s Up” talks about Ramirez’s sexual misconduct against Shahade and other victims that also involve minors. Shahade first stated that Ramirez assaulted her twice, nine and ten years ago. She had moved on from the incident and did not take action.

However, multiple women had shared their stories and “alarming evidence” of alleged abuse by Ramirez in the past few years. She had seen texts that admits abuse of a minor. She also saw texts to an alleged victim about being an underaged "temptress". This moved her to take action and according to, she filed a report against Ramirez in the fall of 2022.

Currently there are multiple investigations underway on Alejandro Ramirez and sexual misconduct, including a series of alleged incidents involving a minor. I was assaulted by him twice, 9 and 10 years ago. I'd moved on until the past couple years, when multiple women, independent of each other and with no knowledge of my own experience, approached me with their own stories of alleged abuse. These accounts were from much younger alleged victims. I saw alarming evidence, including texts that admitted abuse of a minor while he was coaching her, as well as a text to an alleged victim about being an underage "temptress.

More people speak out about Ramirez

Shahade’s brother, IM Greg Shahade supported her on Twitter. ”Have known about this for years, have seen some of the texts in question, and have informed various authorities. It has been so frustrating how little has been done up to now,” he commented.

Misha Vilenchuk, a former U18 US Chess Champion also talked about his observation of Ramirez in 2010-2012. He stated that Ramirez grabbed underaged girls and messaged them.

Ramirez responds to allegations

Alejandro Ramirez gave his response to He stated that he can't give details due to the pending investigation with US Chess and St. Louis Chess Club. He will cooperate with the investigations and is looking forward to telling his side of the story.

“Although I cannot comment on the specifics of Ms. Shahade's assertions due to pending investigations by the US Chess Federation and the St. Louis Chess Club, I understand the concern raised by the allegations levied against me. I am fully cooperating with both inquiries and look forward to the opportunity to respond to these charges and share my side of the story.” will update developments in this case.