Twitch Rivals announce Apex Legends tournament with NiceWigg

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

$50,000 is on the line.

Twitch Rivals have announced they are hosting an Apex Legends tournament with NiceWigg. "NiceWigg's Apex Legends Trios Tourney" will take place later in March and will feature a $50,000 prize pool.

Here are all the details you need to know about the event, including a couple of twists sure to keep things interesting.

When is the next Twitch Rivals Apex tournament?

NiceWigg's Twitch Rivals Apex tournament will be on March 29 and will start at 5 EST. The event will run for about four hours and will feature six games.

The event is open to players in North America. It is unclear how players will be decided. There will be 20 Pro/Predator/Master level players acting as team captains. The remaining 40 players will be Diamond and below ranked.

(Image via Electronic Arts Inc.)
(Image via Electronic Arts Inc.)

NiceWigg Apex Legends Trios Tourney format and prizing

The event will follow the standard Battle Royale trios format. All three of Worlds Edge, Storm Point and Olympus will be played. The scoring system will be familiar to those of you who are fans of the ALGS, with points for placement and kills.

However, like most Twitch Rivals Apex events there is a twist with the format. The event will see Legend restrictions.

Each map will have a set list of legends that must be used in the game. Players cannot choose any Legends other than the ones specified for that game. We don't have the legend lists as things stand, they will only be revealed 5 minutes before each match.

However, we do have the Legend class compositions for the lists:

Map 1 (World’s Edge)2x2x1x2x1x
Map 2 (Storm Point)1x3x1x1x2x
Map 3 (Olympus)2x1x2x1x1x
Map 4 (World’s Edge)0x2x2x2x2x
Map 5 (Storm Point)2x3x0x1x1x
Map 6 (Olympus)4x0x0x2x3x

This will guarantee some wild games, compositions and teams throughout the event. We might get to see some top pros play legends that we don't normally get to see them play.

Event prizing

The event will feature a hefty $50,000 in prizing. Every players who competes will earn at least $400.

Prizing (per Team)
Prizing (per Player)
3rd - 4th$3,000$1,000
5th - 8th$2,400$800
9th - 12th$1,500$500
13th - 20th$1,200$400

In addition to prizes for your tournament placement, there is $800 for two players with the most kills:

  • $500 for the player with the most kills across the tournament.
  • $300 for the player with the second most kills across the tournament.

Stay tuned to for the latest esports and Apex Legends news.