A new meta and a new winner.

Qualifier team Trojan have moved into a strong position to qualify for LAN with a key win in the ALGS Pro League. Despite dying early in the days final game, they finished comfortably ahead of Ethernal and NAVI to take a maximum 25 points.

This Pro League day was the first since the major mid season update, with a range of new legends and team compositions on display.

Trojan move closer to an ALGS LAN debut

Trojan had flown under the radar for the majority of the ALGS Pro League Split so far. They started the day in eighth, having had three incredibly solid performances before the small break in the schedule. Even when starting the split with N1ks, operating as a stand in, they were able to perform solidly to set themselves up for a great finish to the split.

Trojan have adapted incredibly well to the Pro League. They qualified through the Pro League Qualifier, coming third. Atinum, Mohziin and RemixPowers found really strong consistency across both maps today, only having one early departure in the days sixth game. Even in that poor showing, they still managed to grab a point to ensure they put something on the board.

Photo EA/Joe Brady
Photo EA/Joe Brady

Trojan, who won't play again until Regional Finals, have moved up to third after their win. However, things are tight, with Trojan sitting level with both NAVI and Gaimin Gladiators. Crucially, GG have a game in hand and will almost certainly move above them tomorrow.

Despite this, Trojan are in a great spot to book their spot in Germany. They sit 19 points above Ninjas in Pyjamas in 9th, and now only need a solid performance in Regional Finals to be totally sure of their position.

Is EMEA about to send another Underdog team to the world stage?

EMEA Day 8 top five:

  • Trojan - 69
  • Ethernal - 53
  • NAVI - 51
  • Alliance - 50
  • GoNext - 44

First ALGS day after mid season patch brings diverse meta shift

This was the first ALGS day since the Season 21 mid season patch. That update brought some significant changes for ALGS competitors, with huge adjustments to Bangalore and Bloodhound. Specifically impacted was the Bloodhound Beast of the Hunt Ultimate providing vision through Smoke.

This update did have a big impact on the legends that teams used, but perhaps not as much as expected. Bangalore still sat at a 98% pick rate, featuring on almost every team in every game. However, her previous partner Bloodhound had their pick rate slashed. Only 39% used Bloodhound, a huge fall from the pre-update numbers.

In their place came a great diversity of legends. Fuse, Pathfinder, Seer and Wattson all sat above 25% pick rates, with a handful of other legends also featuring. The previous Apex Legends patch was an incredibly tight meta. It seems, at least for now, we are back to the days of variety and creativity in the ALGS.

EMEA Day 8 pick rates:

  • Bangalore: 98%
  • Bloodhound: 39%
  • Fuse: 30%
  • Pathfinder: 29%
  • Seer: 27%
  • Wattson: 27%
  • Catalyst: 17%
  • Lifeline: 10%
  • Crypto: 7%
  • Horizon: 5%
  • Caustic: 5%
  • Revenant: 2%
  • Mad Maggie: 2%
  • Wraith: 2%