Timmy does it again.

iitzTimmy has completed his Rookie to Pred ranked challenge in 34 hours. The 100 Thieves and DSG Pro completed this challenge in a single stream, solo queue.

This is the second time that iitzTimmy has gone a huge ranked challenge. He far exceeded his last run, which took him a huge 55 hours.

iitzTimmy's Rookie to Pred challenge

This is a monster achievement by iitzTimmy. The new Apex Season 20 ranked system is very punishing in Diamond ranked. Racking up a top five placement with some kills does reward you a healthy amount of RP, but as a solo queue player team coordination can be lacking.

It took iitzTimmy less than 12 hours to get from Rookie to Diamond. He spent the entirety of the next 22 hours grinding his way slowly through Diamond ranked games.

It took Timmy a total of 126 games to complete his Rookie to Pred challenge. He spent the majority of these on Pathfinder, with a few Bangalore games now and then.

The final game

If there was a final game to perfectly capture the state of Apex ranked at the moment, Timmy's had it. Desperately trying to survive and escape cheaters who are infesting late night lobbies, to fighting Seer and Conduit, to then winning the game because the final team died to zone.

iitzTimmy can certainly be forgiven for being a bit subdued at the Rookie to Pred challenge conclusion. Timmy revealed he did this huge 34 hour challenge on just six hours sleep, and was surely drained by the end.

Is ranked good again?

In the old MMR based ranked system a Rookie to Pred challenge would've been basically impossible solo queue for even someone like iitzTimmy. Sweet ran into issues with his console to masters challenge, with MMR placing him against top players while he was still very low ranked.

It was probably not humanly possible to stay away for as long as needed. However, cheating issues aside, the new ranked system seems to be making games both fun but the grind not impossible. Lower ranks are easier, and it does not take a full time commitment for casual players to reach the rank they want.

Now, it remains to be seen if anyone else will attempt the iitzTimmy rookie to pred challenge themselves. With the final top-750 slots filling up, it might not be possible until the ranked split midway through the season.

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