With momentum and roster swaps playing a massive part heading into the playoffs, ALGS’ host and commentator Jon “Falloutt” Kefaloukos lays out his NA Power Rankings for Esports.GG.
The 4th and final ALGS Online Tournament wrapped up on March 6th. This means North America's qualifiers are done and dusted and the Winter Circuit Playoffs now beckon. $138,330 is on the line for the NA playoffs, with 20 teams fighting for their share on March 27th. Perfect time for an NA Power Rankings.
While teams such as SolaFide took an early points lead in the qualifiers, others left it late to ensure their place in the playoffs. Falloutt rounds up just who has the edge heading into the playoffs by picking his top 5 teams of the moment.
Falloutt's NA Power Rankings: Top Five
To nail it down to just five in such a tightly contested region was a challenge in itself. Nine different teams placed top three across the four online tournaments and no team was victorious twice.
Therefore, with NA arguably the strongest region, Falloutt also kindly shared his honourable mentions via the Esports.GG Twitter. Next week it will be Europe's turn so stay tuned for another Power Ranking from Apex Legends' charismatic broadcaster Falloutt.
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The seeding for the Winter Playoffs
For reference the official final seeding for the NA playoffs by EA and Respawn Entertainment - based purely on points - can be found below.
Teams received points based on their placement and the team's total number of kills (1 point per kill). Finishing 1st in a round was worth 12 points, with 9/7/5 points for 2nd to 4th. Any team finishing outside top 15 only gained points through kills. A total of 15 teams are currently qualified for the Winter Playoffs. The final five slots will be decided in the Last Chance Qualifiers on March 21st.