More details of the canceled Titanfall Legends game emerge, and old favorites and new Legends would have taken center stage.
More disappointment in the wake of the cancellation of a single player Apex Legends game, as details about the game and its characters were revealed. On today’s (Feb. 2) Game Mess Mornings podcast, Giant Bomb’s Jeff Grubb talked about the game under its working title, Titanfall Legends.
Grubb revealed that the singleplayer game would have featured Kuben Blisk, antagonist of both Apex Legends and Titanfall 2, as a playable character. In addition, BT, the allied titan from Titanfall 2, would have reportedly returned, along with Apex Legends characters making appearances.
Grubb explained that “More people have played Apex Legends than have ever heard of Titanfall, so they were really going to lean into that.” As a result, the game would have allegedly been far closer to something like an Apex single player game than a Titanfall 3. Although features such as wall-running and slick movement tech would have returned. And, of course, piloting titans. Which according to Grubb, would have been more like classic cars. "No longer in production, expensive to maintain, but super cool."
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RIP Titanfall Legends
Unfortunately, there will likely never be solid answers on what the Titanfall Legends game would have exactly looked like. Non-disclosure agreements, and the fact Respawn had never officially acknowledged or announced the game publicly means we’ll likely be left with what little we know about the now canceled game to dwell on.
The game was a victim of Electronic Art’s recent cull of titles. This included Apex Legends Mobile, Battlefield Mobile, and, most recently, Knockout City. The mass culling of games was in response to a shortfall in earnings from 2022.
However, while the Titanfall Legends game is done for, Apex Legends itself seems likely to continue to prosper. Esports-wise, The ALGS Split 1 Playoffs are currently ongoing. And even though travel issues have mired players' efforts, the event itself is already providing some thrilling action.
Keep your eyes peeled on for more Apex Legends news and information.