100 Thieves pulled off an insane duo victory to snatch a gameday win in the ALGS Pro League.

100 Thieves pulled off one of the best wins in ALGS Pro League history. They pulled off an incredible game six victory as a duo, snagging first place from XSET overall in the process.

Despite losing top spot at the last second, it was still an incredible performance by XSET who are firmly planted in the top spot in the overall standings. XSET seem almost unstoppable at the moment, consistently performing week after week.

Elsewhere, Furia, DarkZero and NRG also put in strong performances to earn solid points towards the overall standings.

100 Thieves do it as a duo

100 Thieves must have felt that victory was gone, when Scwury died after a Valk Ult into Lighning Rod. There was a miscommunication that saw Scwury, Onmuu and Vaxlon land separated.

Onmuu and Vaxlon went into survival mode, stabilising inside Lightning Rod, and bunkering down as best they could without their Catalyst.

They were neighboured by Furia, who were just behind them in the overall leaderboard and would have been delighted to get a zone right on top of them to end the days ALGS Pro League action.

100 Thieves Vaxlon (Photo EA/Joe Brady)
100 Thieves Vaxlon (Photo EA/Joe Brady)

For 100 Thieves, their priority would have been to survive and scrap as many placement points as possible to finish as high up the leaderboard as they could.

However, their ambitions must have grown as the game went on, and the zone kept pulling towards their side of Lightning Rod. Furia died in 6th, struggling to find any kills when forced to play zone. Then, when XSET died in 4th after being held out by Noxious, 100 Thieves suddenly had a path to victory. Crucially, Onmuu finished off XSET with an immaculately placed Arc Star. This snagged a kill on FunFPS and ensured that XSET had no way to reset.

100 Thieves see out tense final ring

Just because things had gone 100 Thieves way up until the final ring, didn't mean that victory was assured. 100 Thieves needed to survive as a duo in a lobby full of Seer. They had to drop from their highground position, and had no Catalyst to provide emergency cover in the final ring.

How do you survive in a lobby full of Catalysts, with no defensive abilities at all? The answer for 100 Thieves was simple. Do maximum damage. 100 Thieves intelligently found a mid way point between their height and the lowground. Onmuu and Vaxlon simply then had one job to do. Deal as much damage as you can, keep pressure off you, and clean up the final fight between CLG and Noxious.

This was an inch perfect execution of the final circle, and it was a much deserved victory for 100 Thieves as a result. This win should help breathe confidence back into the roster. They left London disappointed not to have made finals, and will want a second shot through the Split 2 Playoffs.

Onmuu redeems himself after big mistake in game five

Speaking to the ALGS broadcast after their victory, 100 Thieves Onmuu was honest about his mistake in game five.

Onmuu chatting to the ALGS casting team
Onmuu chatting to the ALGS casting team

When being aggressed by NRG, Onmuu made an audacious swing into the open to try and cancel the heal of NRG Sweet. However, this was a huge over extension and he was swiftly mowed down by NRG. This handed the advantage straight to NRG who counter attacked and wiped 100 Thieves. Clearly, Onmuu was very frustrated by his mistake and will be relieved to have redeemed himself in game six.

Onmuu also provided insight into the pressure of playing for such a huge organisation. He praised the fantastic support system behind the team, and revealed how supportive the 100 Thieves fanbase was after their disappointing showing in London. 100 Thieves demand success and they will want to see more performances like today as the ALGS Pro League continues.

Onmuu interacts with 100 Thieves fans at the ALGS Championship (Photo EA/Joe Brady)
Onmuu interacts with 100 Thieves fans at the ALGS Championship (Photo EA/Joe Brady)

Seer firmly in the meta

As expected, Seer is still playing a huge part in the ALGS meta. The 'wall hack' legend is thoroughly despised by players and fans alike. Despite this, his kit is simply too good for pro players to pass up.

Combined with teams either using at least one of Bangalore or Catalyst, Seer is simply needed in ALGS. The nerfs that Seer received in Season 16 simply did not touch Seer at all in reality, and his pickrate is higher than ever. For the first time in NA ALGS history, Game 6 had a 100% pickrate for Seer.

Information is key at the top level of any esport. Seer has the benefit of providing insane levels of information as well as directly countering the two other meta legends. Add in the ability to disrupt peoples heals and revives and you have a near perfect legend for competitive play.

The ALGS Pro League is back in North America tomorrow, where TSM will look to revive their faltering split two campaign.

For full ALGS results, check out our ALGS Score hub here.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for more ALGS coverage and esports news.