Don’t you want to make gold in World of Warcraft?
We all want to earn more gold in World of Warcraft. The beating heart of any MMORPG is its economy, which makes currency the blood and organs of this most magnanimous body. But this is easier said than done. Gold costs time, money, friends, your life, and everything you hold dear. Who has the time? Not me, says the World of Warcraft aficionado!
If this all sounds too familiar then allow us to assist you in your gold-earning journey. The trip won't be easy, but by the end you'll wonder how you ever spent a single second on the auction house or flying around Azeroth, all for a meager pittance!
Here's your step-by-step guide on how to earn gold in World of Warcraft.
How do I earn gold in World of Warcraft?

Let me tell you from my experience: It's so easy to earn gold in World of Warcraft! That's why I'm sharing what I've learned along the way in this easy to use guide. No more flying in circles around a zone for hours on end. Don't want to think about the auction house? You won't ever think about gold in World of Warcraft again!
Here we go! It's time to earn gold in World of Warcraft!
Head to Facebook. Wait.

Suggested ads on Facebook are so easy, sometimes it feels like you find the thing you're looking for before you even thought to look for it! So convenient. Just scroll down through your Facebook feed while saying out loud--preferably near a smart device of your choice--that you want to earn gold in World of Warcraft! It won't take long, so don't worry if what you're looking for isn't there.
It'll find you eventually.
Click the link and make sure your adblocker is disabled! It's the only thing that can keep you from earning gold in World of Warcraft. Be sure to watch the video! After all, we want to thank Him for helping us earn gold in World of Warcraft and what better way than to inflate those view-time analytics.

Go check your World of Warcraft mailbox
It's that easy! Log into your character over in World of Warcraft. Which one? Doesn't matter! I think you'll find a nice surprise awaiting your mail.

A fun surprise! It's so easy to earn gold in World of Warcraft. Now, open your new piece of postage when nobody is around and reap the rewards!

Huh. Um. That's unusual, and worse yet: There's only one single gold in there. Maybe this wasn't the mail you were waiting for. Better report them! After all, a safe Azeroth is a fun Azeroth!
Click the 'Report Player' button

Pay no mind to that! After aLl, it isn't nice to report pEople who are jusT Having fun in World of Warcraft. You'll find that you have More than enough gold to accomplIsh everything you want in-game at this point!
CoNgrats, and we hope it was worth it.
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You have a new email! Go check it!
Lucky you! It's so rare to get an email these days. While you go and look at what has arrived in your inbox I'll write a three thousand word treatise on the lost art of letter writing and how we've let society down a whole by not keeping human interaction as intimate as possible.

Oh, this must be the receipt for all that gold you earned in World of Warcraft. That's fairly common, so don't worry too much. However, you will want to keep this for tax purposes come next year so that you can make sure you get what's coming to you. Open that mail just to make sure it isn't spam!

Restart your computer in abject fear
Well, isn't that terrifying! In my experience, nothing helps relieve tensions faster than restarting your computer. Wipe clean the slate, wipe clean the slate, wean the slate, wipe clear the slat, wine clear the slap, when lean in slain, WIPE CLEAN THE SLATE.

Oh, still there, eh? No, not you. Him. Of course He's still there. After all, you need to EARN your gold in World of Warcraft. Don't you want to earn your gold? Shouldn't you want to earn your gold? Won't you want to earn your gold?
Go cool off in the bathroom

That's probably not as ominous as it looks, really. Do you hear a sound? A rhythmic thumping? The droning beat of an ancient drum that strikes at the primal instincts found within every gnashed, torn, and blackened heart--dating back from the first sins man committed on this mortal realm of existence?
No? Maybe you should go check the basement.
I'd really rather not
Go check the basement.
I don't want to earn gold in World of Warcraft anymore
It's a bit late for that, don't you think?
Fine, I'm heading to the basement
Enjoy your new friend! And, remember: If you want to help others earn gold in World of Warcraft all you have to do is share this piece.
Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it. Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it. Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it. Now. Share it.vNow. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.Now. Share it.NowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare itNowShare it

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