Say “Cheese!” when you’re caught in the crosshairs of the weapon skins you’ll find in the new VALORANT Aperture bundle.
Yet another collection from the Riot Games first-person shooter has leaked. This time, VALORANT fans can expect the Aperture bundle. Aperture, being a term used in photography meaning the opening in which light enters a camera, makes perfect use of the name in its bundle preview image.
Let's go over everything we know, now that is has been officially revealed.
VALORANT Aperture bundle skins and accessories

The bundle's preview image that was leaked was completely correct. The following weapons are what comes in the VALORANT Aperture bundle:
- Phantom
- Bulldog
- Outlaw
- Ghost
- Stiletto Melee
With so many big bundles lately, like Champions 2024 and Nocturnum, it is time for one with less flashiness. That makes this bundle a fairly plain one. There are no accessories tacked on or any Radianite upgrades. What you see is what you get, with no chance of extra flair.
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Price of the bundle
Since there are no added effects, such as color variants, finishers, or other upgrades, this isn't the priciest bundle VALORANT has ever seen. That does not mean it comes without a cost, however. You can get the entire thing for 5,100 VALORANT Points.
You are able to buy the weapon skins in the VALORANT Aperture bundle individually, though. Each weapon itself costs 1,275 VP. The Stiletto melee, which is labeled as free in the bundle, is a higher 2,550 VP by itself.
When does the VALORANT Aperture bundle release?
The Nocturnum bundle and the VCT team bundles are winding down in the shop. On September 10, a patch hit with buffs to Astra, Chamber, and the Ares. Following the content schedule, the VALORANT Aperture bundle is right alongside it.
It arrived in the shop when it reset on September 12, 2024. And with the countdown in the store, you have until September 26 to add it to your collection.
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