Struggling to find Anais in The First Descendant? Here’s our map pinpointing Anais’ exact location and her services in-game.
If you're wondering where Anais is in The First Descendant we've got the answer. Anais is an important NPC located in Albion who is responsible for researching new technology and who you need to find to unlock new characters, materials or weapons.
One of the first Sub Quests you will receive is to unlock a new suit for Bunny after hers was damaged in the opening mission. Which by the way, also results in you getting to unlock Bunny. But anyway, back to the question: Where is Anais in The First Descendant?
Where is Anais in The First Descendant?
Anais can be found in Albion in the Magisters Building in the West Wing. Albion has two portals, but the quickest way to travel to Anais is to use the City Entrance portal in the South West. Once you find her, talk to her to discuss research requests you might have.
You will frequently need to visit Anais in The First Descendant for Research Requests for:
- Descendants
- Weapons
- Ascension Materials
- Weapon Materials
- Enhancement Materials
Anais is in charge of awakening the Arche of all Descendants and developing new equipment in Albion, so you'll be a frequent customer of her services. You will also need Anais if you wish to craft Ultimate Bunny, the most highly sought after skin in the game on launch.
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Research takes time but use Caliber to expedite

To research (or craft) Descendants you will require certain materials, some of which Anais can craft for you to save you time. The only currency Anais deals in for Research Requests is Gold.
Once you've made your Research Request a countdown will begin as Anais researches the specific item for you. The timer for the research is related to IRL time and not in-game time. So if it says 16:00:00, that means you will need to wait 16 hours until it will be completed.
Don't wait to wait? Well I don't blame you, but it will cost you. You can spend Caliber to instantly complete a Research Request with Anais, but given its a rare resource don't do it too often.