The final weekend of patch 13.14b is here so here are 3 compositions that will help you climb before the new patch!

Patch 13.14b is coming to a close, but here are three TFT comps that can help you with a last-minute push to your desired rank. Don't go alone! We all need inspiration sometimes and, with any luck, these team compositions will be the stroke of genius needed to start your climb to the top.

TFT Comp, Patch 13.14b #1: Akshan Carry

A popular meta composition from last patch is still at the top of the meta. Akshan carry has multiple variants that can be successful depending on your items. However, in some games you may find yourself contested, so be careful when committing to playing it.

Standard Variation

Akshan level 7 standard composition (Image via
Akshan level 7 standard composition (Image via
Akshan level 8 standard composition (Image via
Akshan level 8 standard composition (Image via

Above is what your board should look like at levels 7 and 8. The most important synergies to maintain are 3 Freljord, 3 Shurima, and 2 Deadeye, so you will always be fielding Sejuani, Lissandra, Ashe, Akshan, and Renekton as your core units.

After that, you will want another Shurima unit, which at level 7 and 8 should be Azir. Until you hit the Azir, any Shurima unit can slot in as the third Shuriman. Renekton can eventually be replaced with Nasus or K'sante, especially if you need to move tank items to Sejuani. Jarvan can be another tank unit, especially if Azir is not able to be itemized in your situation.

At level 8, adding in another Akshan if you have another two-star Akshan may be your best unit to fit in. If your lobby is rerolling 3-cost carries, this is likely your level 8 while you chase Akshan 3 and Lissandra 3.

4 Deadeye Variation

Akshan 4 Deadeye variation composition (Image via
Akshan 4 Deadeye variation composition (Image via
Akshan 4 Deadeye variation composition (Image via
Akshan 4 Deadeye variation composition (Image via

The 4 Deadeye variation is tough to fit in without emblems or without being level 8. But, if you find yourself in a position with extra AD items, an Aphelios 2, Urgot items/Urgot 2, or contested on Shurima units, it may be in your best interest to play a 4 Deadeye variant. Your strongest board could feature Shurima or drop Shurima altogether for other upgraded units.

Late-Game Cap

Akshan carry late-game cap example (Image via
Akshan carry late-game cap example (Image via
Akshan carry late-game cap example (Image via
Akshan carry late-game cap example (Image via

Your ultimate late-game cap boards that still feature Akshan depend on what you hit, what the Ryze variation is, and what Heimerdinger upgrades you select. These are just two example ways to cap out your board with Akshan carry. You can cut Freljord if you invest gold into the Shrink upgrade for Heimerdinger and build out a capped board in that way. You may not reach this stage in most of your games, but this is just something to keep in mind if you are able to go 9 and fully cap out.


Your main carry is Akshan and your main tank is likely Sejuani in most cases.

  • Akshan: Deathblade, Giant Slayer, Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice, Guardbreaker, Runaan's Hurricane
  • Akshan's best item is Deathblade, followed by other AD/damage amplification items. His ultimate ability interaction with Runaan's Hurricane was nerfed, but it is still a viable item on him, especially if you need a way to nullify a cloak.
  • Sejuani: Warmog's Armor, Bramble Vest, Dragon Claw, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Protector's Vow (in no particular order)
  • Sejuani can use all the tank items in the game and is likely the unit you want to itemize as your main tank in the late game.
  • Offtank: Shen/Jarvan/Urgot
  • Shen: Same items as Sejuani
  • Jarvan: Protector's Vow + leftover frontline items
  • Urgot: Bloodthirster, Titan's Vow, Edge of Night, + leftover tank items

Positioning tips for this composition

  • If you play multiple Akshans, then put them on opposite corner hexes. They will focus down the frontline together and burst both sides of backline.
  • Use Ashe as enemy corner bait, or put her in the middle of the back row for maximum AOE effectiveness.
  • Lissandra can be put in the second row.
  • Beware of AOE crowd control like Jarvan and Sion and don't stack ranged carries together.

TFT Comp #2: Noxus Reroll

Standard Variation

Noxus reroll standard composition (Image via
Noxus reroll standard composition (Image via

Noxus reroll is still a very strong composition in the current meta. When given the opportunity to play Noxus reroll, you should definitely lean in its direction. The composition is rather simple to execute, but does require early and mid-game tempo because of the way reroll compositions and Noxus as a trait functions. Your board at level 7 should look something like the example, and you will reroll for Darius 3 and Katarina 3 simultaneously as your two carries.

Late Game Cap

Noxus reroll late-game cap example (Image via
Noxus reroll late-game cap example (Image via
Noxus reroll late-game cap example (Image via
Noxus reroll late-game cap example (Image via

You can get even stronger and more creative with a Noxus emblem, but without the emblem here are a few examples of some late-game capped boards.


For items, you prioritize Darius items first and then Katarina items second.

  • Darius: Bloodthirster, Infinity Edge, Titan's Resolve (in order of priority); Hand of Justice can replace Bloodthirster but Bloodthirster is better and Titan's Resolve or Infinity Edge can be Giant Slayer, but ideally you have the first three listed items.
  • Katarina: Ionic Spark, Infinity Edge, Hand of Justice, Gunblade, Jeweled Gauntlet, Rabadon's Deathcap (no particular order as she gets your leftover offensive items)

Positioning tips for this composition

  • If enemy backline isn't strong enough or your Darius has enough items/star-level/durability, then you can safely place him in the front corner hex. Put a melee/1-range unit to the right of him so that your Darius has the potential to wrap onto enemy backlines.
  • Try to have your Samira and Darius attacking the same unit. This is easier and more important to control in the early game. Samira has armor shred built into her ability so it will help Darius with damage and resets.
  • Beware of AOE crowd control like Jarvan and Sion.

TFT Comp #3: Lux Carry

Sorcerers without Emblem

Lux carry composition without Sorcerer emblem (Image via
Lux carry composition without Sorcerer emblem (Image via

Without sorcerer emblem, you want to be playing for Ahri and Heimerdinger as secondary sources of damage. It is difficult to play vertical sorcerers without the emblem because you have to play a bunch of weak units that get outscaled in order to reach 6 Sorcerer.

Vertical Sorcerers with Emblem

6 Sorcerer Lux carry composition (Image via
6 Sorcerer Lux carry composition (Image via
8 Sorcerer Lux carry composition (Image via
8 Sorcerer Lux carry composition (Image via

With sorcerer emblem, your game becomes a lot simpler as you can chase the 6 and 8 sorcerer breakpoints for your late-game composition. In the examples, sorcerer emblem is on Sona, but if you're able to get it onto Shen or Jarvan, it's very strong. Ideally, Jarvan is stacked with tank items and the sorcerer emblem goes on Shen.

Strategist Azir Duo Carry Variant

Lux carry with Azir duo carry variant (Image via
Lux carry with Azir duo carry variant (Image via

This variation is the previously S-tier Lux/Azir duo carry board. With good tempo, this composition is still very strong. However, the composition is expensive and Azir is weaker than he used to be, so if you fall behind aiming for this variant, it is likely you will lose a lot HP in the mid-to-late game.


Your main carry is Lux and your main tank varies depending on the version of sorcerers you play.

  • Lux: Blue Buff, Shojin, Jeweled Gauntlet, Hextech Gunblade, Guardbreaker, Hand of Justice
  • AP items are not as effective because she will have a lot of AP from traits. Lux will want damage amplification and mana generation items for maximum carry potential.
  • Ahri: Blue Buff + leftover AP damage items
  • Nasus/Swain/Taric/Jarvan: Warmog's Armor, Bramble Vest, Dragon Claw, Gargoyle Stoneplate, Redemption, Protector's Vow (in no particular order)
  • Depending on the variant you are playing and the items you receive, these frontline units will hold your tank items. Ideally in the late game your tank items are on Jarvan and Nasus/Taric. Sometimes some of your tank items will be on Swain the whole game if you can't find a replacement Swain.
  • Traditional tank items are great but Ionic Spark and Sunfire Cape have a lot of value and are definitely options as frontline items.

With Demacia active, you want your radiant item on your lux, but if you have excess carry items, make sure your Jarvan is your stacked tank so he gets the radiant item. If there is a tie in items, the tiebreaker is now the last played unit on the board. You can bench and re-field the unit that you want to receive the radiant item for the following fight.

Positioning tips for this composition

  • If you have an Ionic Spark, make sure Lux is on the same side as the Ionic Spark so her first cast can burst down an enemy frontline unit.
  • You can use Orianna as a frontline unit if you need extra frontline to stall for your backline.
  • Taric can be flexed as your outermost frontline unit or in between stronger frontline units to shield them. When he is your tankiest unit, you can use him on the outside for that extra stall. Otherwise, keep him in between your tankiest frontline units for shielding.
  • Beware of AOE crowd control like Jarvan and Sion.

Good luck in your games!

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