In this edition of TFT Tip Tuesday, we teach you how to remove items from your headliner with Superfan.
We’re back with another Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Tip Tuesday! This week, we want to cover a super useful and relatively simple mechanic in the game that you can take advantage of. Without further ado, this is how to pop off your headliner’s items with Superfan!

TFT Tip: Popping items off with Superfan
Do you enjoy making items early and playing tempo? Instead of waiting until you have the best-in-slot items, it is often correct to make do with what you already have. That way, you can establish direction, save HP, and deal damage to others. However, what can you do when you've committed items to your headliner but made a mistake or have a better item to put on?
What you need
- 2.5 or 3 items on your headliner, not including the Superfan item
- 3 Superfan active
- Kennen, Lillia, Gnar, Neeko
The tip of the week is super simple — once you satisfy the two conditions above, play that composition for a single fight. Your unit will make room for your headliner item and the current items on your headliner will return to your bench. This usually takes a while, so don’t panic if it takes 10 to 15 seconds to get your items back. You can take advantage of this during creep rounds when playing a weaker board won't hurt your PvP combat power.
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TFT tip: Video example
As you can see, Milala slammed items onto his Annie for early to mid-game tempo. He then figured he might have a better item combination for Annie after wolves. Thus, he took out Superfan, put a component on Annie, and put Superfan back in. Milala successfully utilized the Superfan item remover trick to remove his items on his carry without using a remover or selling the Annie. Unfortunately, the clip we were able to obtain cuts off before the items pop off. However, the method to pull off our TFT tip is fully shown by Milala.
In this instance, Milala decided to put the two Infinity Forces and have the Superfan item as his third item after wolves. However, it's important that he gave himself the option to redo his item combination on Annie. Milala eventually used Superfan to remove his items again later in the game. He was then able to itemize his units accordingly and was able to place 4th in a strong lobby, having saved HP and dealt a lot of damage playing double infinity force Annie.
Hope this helps with the climb to your end-of-set ranked goals!
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