For this edition of TFT Tip Tuesday, we teach you the intervals of leveling whether you are playing reroll or standard compositions.

In this week's Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Tip Tuesday, we're going back to the basics. Have you ever wondered when you should be leveling while playing TFT? Always pressing the D key but not knowing when to press the F key? Look no further, this is the standard leveling interval guide for you!

TFT Tip: Standard leveling intervals

Heartsteel Ezreal (Image via Riot Games)
Heartsteel Ezreal (Image via Riot Games)

Without enough direction to play a reroll composition or with enough direction to play a standard level 8/9 board, this is what your leveling intervals should look like. For reference, a perfect interval indicates spending money to level so that you are 0/X experience when you reach the next level.

Level 4

  • Can push before 2-3 if strong and looking to winstreak
  • 2-3
    • Naturally (without spending gold)

Level 5

  • 2-5
    • Stay level 4 if you are trying to force a losestreak

Level 6

  • 3-1
    • Contesting/preserving a winstreak
    • Or if you have the gold and tempo to do so
  • 3-2
    • Perfect interval

Level 7

  • 3-5
    • Winstreaking, rich, or maintaining tempo with rest of lobby
    • Should have at least 30g if not more when you're not winstreaking
  • 4-1
    • Make your strongest level 7 board for a turn while preparing for a 4-2 transition

Level 8

  • 4-2
    • Aim to level to 8 here with the goal of replacing your current headliner
  • 4-5
    • Another perfect interval but less desirable due to headliners and contesting
    • Can potentially replace a temporary headliner at this interval as well

Level 9

  • 5-2
    • Perfect interval when far ahead in economy
  • 5-5
    • Perfect interval when slightly ahead in economy
  • 6-2
    • Perfect interval

TFT Tip: 1-cost reroll composition leveling intervals

Zombie Slayer Jinx (Image via Riot Games)
Zombie Slayer Jinx (Image via Riot Games)

For 1-cost reroll compositions, you should not be spending gold to buy experience points until you have hit your three-star 1-cost carry. In other words, in all of Stage 1 and 2, you should not be spending any money rerolling or leveling. On 3-1, you should be level 4 with 8/10 XP (Experience Points) and then looking for your carry with the economy you have accrued.

Level 3

  • Do not level or roll

Level 4

  • Do not level or roll until 3-1
  • 8/10 XP on 3-1
  • Roll to 33 gold and stop or decide to sacrifice economy to roll deeper

Level 5

  • Roll above 50 gold until hitting your desired carry before pushing levels

Example compositions in patch 14.2

  • Annie reroll
  • Jinx reroll
  • Olaf reroll
  • Yasuo reroll

TFT Tip: 2-cost reroll composition leveling intervals

High Noon Katarina (Image via Riot Games)
High Noon Katarina (Image via Riot Games)

Generally, when playing 2-cost reroll compositions, you want to losestreak early for economy and item priority.

Level 4

  • 2-3
    • Naturally (without spending gold)

Level 5

  • 2-5, Krugs, or 3-1
    • Depends on your augments and losestreak situation

Level 6

  • 3-2
    • Roll above 50 gold for your desired 2-cost carry

Example compositions in patch 14.2

  • Kai'sa reroll
  • Katarina reroll
  • Kayle reroll
  • Seraphine reroll

TFT Tip: 3-cost reroll composition leveling intervals

Hyperpop Lulu (Image via Riot Games)
Hyperpop Lulu (Image via Riot Games)

Similar to 2-cost reroll, when playing 3-cost reroll compositions, you want to losestreak early for economy and item priority.

Level 4

  • 2-3
    • Naturally (without spending gold)

Level 5

  • 2-5, Krugs, or 3-1
    • Depends on your augments and losestreak situation

Level 6

  • 3-2
    • Should not be rolling for units

Level 7

  • 3-5 or 4-1 depending on your HP, other players contesting, or your gold amount
  • Roll above 50 gold for your desired 3-cost carry/carries/tanks

Example compositions in patch 14.2

  • Lulu reroll
  • Riven reroll
  • Samira/Vex reroll
  • Yone reroll

Hope this TFT tip helps your climbing journey!

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