JP, the mysterious Psycho Power-wielding antagonist of Street Fighter 6 can be your Master in World Tour if you follow these steps:
JP is the mysterious businessman behind the Nayshall's Suval'hal Tournament, and the primary antagonist of Street Fighter 6. However, despite his malevolent ways, you can adopt JP as your Master in World Tour, and here’s how:
Unlock JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

Unlocking JP as a Master in Street Fighter 6 World Tour is a pretty arduous task, as it requires you to complete the entirety of the mainline story. This took us around 20 hours, but we also did a lot of side quests and unlocked all the masters along the way. If you’re just shooting for JP it could take you less time. However, regardless, you'll need to be at least on Chapter 15-1 to unlock JP as a Master.

Once you’ve completed the story and defeated JP, head to the Suval'hal Arena Entrance in Nayshall at night. You’ll find JP standing under a pavilion overlooking the city. Watch the cutscene, and accept the Psycho Power, and JP will have become your Master.
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How to unlock JP’s Outfit 2 in SF6 for free

JPs suits and swagger are infectious, and you can get it for yourself by raising his Master Bond level up to the maximum (100) and unlocking his Outfit 2 in Street Fighter 6 World Tour. This can be done by using his fighting style, and giving him gifts. Each Master has a favored Gift and in the case of JP it’s the Antique Playing Cards.
The Antique Playing Cards are available from the Hawker NPC in Jamaica and cost around 5000 Zeny, so you might want to save up. You can quickly level up your Bond with JP by repeatedly gifting him this item. There's also a unique item called the Absurd Check. Originally, this gift item was bugged, and not tied to a specific master. Now, since the Rashid Update, it's JP's unique gift, and gives +40 bond. Good luck unlocking JP's Outfit 2 in Street Fighter 6 World Tour!
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