Ken’s Red Gi is iconic, but not unlocked by default. Here’s how to unlock Ken’s classic outfit, also known as Outfit 2, in Street Fighter 6.
In Street Fighter 6, the Classic outfits or Outfit 2 for your favorite Street Fighter characters aren’t unlocked by default. You can pay money to unlock it, either buy purchasing the Deluxe edition, or you can unlock it the old fashioned way. Here’s how to unlock Ken's Classic Outfit in Street Fighter 6.
How to unlock Ken’s classic outfit, the Red Gi in SF6

Outfit 2 for all characters can be unlocked via the World Tour mode. We gave a brief rundown of how that’s achieved in our Outfit 2 article. But here’s a detailed breakdown just for Ken Masters.
The first step is to adopt Ken as your of your Masters in World Tour. To do this, you’ll need to meet Ken in the story. This is as part of Chapter 8-3 of the story, and you’ll meet Ken on a construction site. Adopt him as your master and you’re well on the way. But you’ll also need to level up your bond with Ken to maximum to unlock his Outfit 2, or Classic outfit. And the best way to do that is with his favorite gift: The Cookbook.
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Where to buy the Cookbook gift in Street Fighter 6

The Cookbook is purchasable after the start of Chapter 6 in Street Fighter 6 World Tour. You’ll need to make sure you’re on the quest The Spirit Guide which is unlocked in the Hong Hu Men area of Metro city. Talk to the level 10 NPC Ana to begin the quest.

Then head down the Alley near Chun-Li and find Zimo, a level 13 NPC. Defeat him, and take back the stolen Walnuts (He blocks a lot, so use grapples to defeat him easily).

Then head back to Ana, and receive a ticket to Mexico! The Thunderfoot Settlement location in Mexico will be unlocked. Travel there and defeat Lily, and accept her as a new Master.

The shop NPC next to Lily will sell you the Cookbook. Buy as many as you can, as you’ll need a lot to level up Ken’s trust. Eventually his trust will be high enough to unlock Ken's Classic Outfit Street Fighter 6
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