Fastest ways to make Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

Michael Hassall

Michael Hassall

There’s more to Street Fighter 6’s World Tour than beating people up. Well… not really, but also you can earn Zeny, and here’s the best ways!

In Street Fighter 6’s World Tour mode, Zeny is the primary in-game currency used to buy food, costumes, gifts for Masters, and other things. But what’s the best way to earn Zeny? Luckily we have some good ways to grind SF6’s World Tour currency.

Best ways to make Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour

There are literally dozens of ways to make Zeny in Street Fighter 6, but we’d say the three fastest ways are as follows:

Explore the rooftops and hidden areas

Check rooftops and trucks for free Zeny (Image via
Check rooftops and trucks for free Zeny (Image via

While you’re exploring, you’ll occasionally find Zeny on the ground. But if you look in the right places, you can find hundreds of thousands of Zeny just lying around! The best place for this is the rooftops in Metro City, especially around the Hong Hu Men Area of Metro City, near Chun-Li’s location in Chinatown. Simply use Master Actions to navigate the awnings and rooftops to earn hundreds of Zeny

Beat up random punks on the street

Random punks drop Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour (Image via
Random punks drop Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour (Image via

Random people who try to attack you are actually a great source of income. Many of these punks have hundreds of Zeny, and some will trigger bonus drops of Zeny if you defeat them quickly or with Specials. Just knock the Zeny out of them! It’s pretty easy, and it’s quick.

Sell items

You can sell items for lots of Zeny in SF6 (Image via
You can sell items for lots of Zeny in SF6 (Image via

You’ll pick up plenty of sellable and not-so-useful items in World Tour. Things like Bronze ingots and other materials that specifically say they’re for selling bring lots of Zeny, and we recommend selling them as soon as possible. Also, if you find you’re not using some of the healing stuff, just sell it. Honestly, healing is pretty easy in World Tour; you probably won’t need the items.

Complete Sub Missions for extra Zeny

You can get thousands of Zeny for completing Street Fighter 6's sub missions (Image via
You can get thousands of Zeny for completing Street Fighter 6's sub missions (Image via

Side Missions will give you good Zeny as a reward, and usually, if you’re beating people up in the mission, they’ll drop Zeny as well. You might find yourself accidentally over-leveling the challenge in the story if you do too many side missions, but you’ll also be a zeny-illionaire, so who cares!

Play the Mini Games for load of Zeny

We found destroying the Truck to be the best way to earn Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour (Image via
We found destroying the Truck to be the best way to earn Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour (Image via

The Mini Games in Street Fighter 6 World Tour are some of the most-lucrative Zeny earners around. We found the truck destruction mission in the Scrap Heap from Junkyard Smallz to be the easiest and best earner. By destroying the truck in just a few seconds, you can earn around 3000-4000 Zeny a time. And it can be repeated infinitely. We quickly earned enough Zeny to buy presents to unlock Outfit 2 for several Masters.

And that’s how to best earn Zeny in Street Fighter 6 World Tour. Stay tuned to for more Street Fighter 6 guides and info!