All Street Fighter 6 achievements and how to get them

Jordan Marney

Jordan Marney

The ultimate player guide to every achievement in SF6.

Everyone loves a game with a large number of achievements to collect. Street Fighter 6 is no different in the achievements department. At the time of writing this article, SF6 has 43 achievements to unlock. is here to bring you the ultimate Street Fighter 6 achievements guide! Telling you how you can unlock every achievement in no time.

How can I unlock every Street Fighter 6 achievement?

Here is the complete Street Fighter 6 achievements list:

How to get them
Get Your Game Face On!Create your avatar
So This Is the Battle Hub...Create a profile and enter the battle hub
First EncountersComplete your first match in the battle hub
There's Always Time For Training!Complete 30 matches in the battle hub
King of the RingWin 30 battle hub matches
Jungle-Sized SurpriseFight in an extreme battle
Extreme Combat TrainingFight 20 extreme battles
Over the Top VictoryWin 20 extreme battles
Becoming the AvatarFight in an avatar battle
Fixin' for a FightFight in 20 avatar battles
The Struggle Over SelfWin 20 avatar battles
Gazing at the PeakEnter a tournament
Steely DeterminationEnter five tournaments
Dominating Like a NinjaWin 10 tournaments
Veteran of BattleCompete in 100 battle hup matches
Kickin' it Old SchoolPlay on a game center cabinet
Classic Leaderboard ChampPlay ranking challenge mode at the game center
Entranced by BattleSpectate a battle hub match
Combat AnalysisSpectate an extreme battle
Watching Gets Me PUMPED!Spectate an avatar battle
Welcome to the StableJoin a battle hub club
Let the Praise Become Your MuscleEarn your first "nice" fan
Gotta Be Popular! Uwo!Earn 200 "nice" fans
Spirits of EncouragementEarn 600 "nice" fans
Pleased to Meet You!Talk in the battle hub
Coolheaded AnalysisWatch a replay
My Title, My LifeUnlock a fighter profile title
Joining the PackAdd a friend online
Fashion LeaderChange your avatar's gear
Ready to Dance?play music at a battle hub DJ booth
Up on the Big ScreenWatch a video on the battle hub screen
Neighborhood PeacekeeperComplete 22 sub-missions
Mastery's BondRaise the bond with one of your masters to 100
At Journey's EndFinish the world tour
Leaving the NestComplete the world tour prologue
Ha-dough-kenWork a part-time job
Actions Speak LouderBreak an obstacle using a master action
The Grand Jeté of 100 BattlesFight 100 online battles via the fighting grounds
Tales of the ValiantComplete arcade most one time
Practical TrainingComplete 45 combo trials
Fighters' CodexPlay a characters guide
Taking InitiativeTake part in your first tutorial

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