To be a scoundrel, you have to look like one, so get the Scoundrel gear set in Star Wars Outlaws for some perks and a trophy.
There are quite a few cosmetic items you can put on Kay Vess. One of the most popular gear sets to obtain in Star Wars Outlaws, though, is the Scoundrel one. It gives a Han Solo vibe and has some wonderful perks and stats.
You'll need to obtain the jacket, belt, and pants separately. And then once you do, you'll unlock the It's Mine Now trophy or achievement. That makes it worth hunting down the gear set itself.
How to obtain the entire Scoundrel gear set in Star Wars Outlaws
All three are tied to the Jet Kordo questline. We'll avoid spoilers as much as possible and just stick to where they're located, but here's your warning. Potential spoilers may be ahead.
You obtain the quest on Toshara, and after that, you'll need to do some traveling to obtain all three pieces of the gear set. Let's go over all three.
Scoundrel belt

The quest requires you to open some vaults. You will have to go in order, so there will be vaults that you open that do not include the Scoundrel gear in Star Wars Outlaws. We'll be skipping those, as this is a focus just on the gear set.
The first is on Toshara. You'll get a holotracker during the Jet Kordo quest. Just follow the objective until a secret vault is opened in a mountainous arch. Climb the ladder and use your data spike to open the large case in the back. In there is the Scoundrel belt.
Scoundrel jacket

Next, you'll head to Tatooine. In Mos Eisley, talk to the two NPCs near the wreckage outside of Chalmun's Cantina. This will start your quest for another vault. Follow the objectives and waypoints to get the holodisc from a cave.
Head to the Western Dune Sea and find the three rock formations next to each other. Get the vault's frequency and head southwest. Find the buried box-shaped structure, enter it, and open the chest to get Scoundrel jacket in Star Wars Outlaws.
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Scoundrel pants

Additional vaults are required to get the Scoundrel gear set between the jacket and the pants in Star Wars Outlaws. The fifth vault in the Jet Kordo questline is on the planet of Akiva. Eavesdrop on the two NPCs to start the hunt for the treasure.
Travel on your speeder to the Great Basin. Go north on the water to find a small cave. Boost up the ramp, make the jump, and open the vault door. Disable the turret, loot the chest, and get the Scoundrel pants. This gives you the full gear set and the It's Mine Now trophy/achievement.
Bonus perks when wearing the Scoundrel gear set in Star Wars outlaws
The complete gear set will give you a nice bonus if you wear all three pieces. With it, you'll receive all of the following:
- Jacket Bonus: Increases pick-up weapon ammo capacity. Reduces damage taken from blaster and projectile weapons.
- Belt Bonus: Increases Bacta Vial and Grenade carrying capacity. Increases Stun Shot recharge speed.
- Pants Bonus: Increases crouched movement speed and move more silently. Increases accuracy when shooting from the hip or while on the run.
- Full Set Bonus: Greatly increases Super Cooling window, and the first shot after a Super Cooling deals double damage.
This is one of the better sets to wear in the game, as the bonuses help in all areas. You get stealth boosts, pick-up boosts, defense boosts, movement boosts, and even offense boosts.
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