Read on for a list of every Star Wars Outlaws main quest, along with the planets or moons where these quests take place.
In order to get through the main story of Star Wars Outlaws, you must complete a bunch of required missions. Read on for the list of every Star Wars Outlaws main quest and more.

Star Wars Outlaws main quests
- Beginnings (Cantonica)
- Outlaws (Cantonica)
- Crashed (Toshara)
- Underworld (Toshara)
- New Tricks (Toshara)
- False Flag (Toshara)
- The Wreck (Toshara)
- Hyperspace (Toshara)
- The Safecracker (Kijimi)
- Breakout (Kijimi)
- The Hive (Kijimi)
- The Heavy (Tatooine)
- Partners (Tatooine)
- Jabba's Favor (Tatooine)
- The Droidsmith (Akiva)
- Viper (Akiva)
- Legacy (Akiva)
- The Truth
- The Heist
- Revelator

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Star Wars Outlaws planets and moons
Here are all of the main quests in Star Wars Outlaws plus their main locations. For example, The Beginnings and Outlaws questlines take place in Cantonica.

Meanwhile, the next set of main quests take place in Toshara. This is actually a moon created specifically for Star Wars Outlaws! Kay Vess, the protagonist of the game, crashes on this moon after escaping Cantonica.

As for Kijimi, it's a cold planet that’s snowy and mountainous. It's the location of the Ashiga Clan as well. Opposite in terms of weather to Kijimi is, of course, the classic and iconic Tatooine.

Finally, Akiva features a hot climate and jungle terrain. It was also once the location of lots of droid factories during the Clone Wars.

That's all for now in terms of main quests and their locations. Stick around on for more news, guides, and updates!