How to earn Spectre Divide launch Twitch Drops

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

Spectre Divide is celebrating its official launch with a couple of Twitch Drops you can obtain just by watching streams of the game.

Spectre Divide launches on September 3, 2024 and comes with some new Twitch Drops you can obtain. Originally, these were the Future Community Rewards items, but they noted that a mix-up with launch is why everyone has the opportunity to earn these now.

Let's take a look at what they are and how to get them.

Spectre Divide launch Twitch Drops

The Twitch Drops you can get for the Spectre Divide launch are weapon charms. You add them to the sides of your guns to give them a little bit of flair and personality as you battle it out with the opposition.

(Image via Mountaintop Studios)
(Image via Mountaintop Studios)

The two that are available are:

  • Golden Puck Charm
  • The Stinger Charm

The Puck is the item you throw in Spectre Divide to move your second body around the map. You can place them at your flank, in elevated positions, or right next to you for a quick swap. The reward is a golden version of this.

Next up is the Stinger. This is the base melee weapon in the game. The knife will help you move faster while walking or sprinting. It can also be used to embarrass an opponent you sneak up behind. Of course, the one hanging off your weapon from this Twitch Drop campaign is just for show.

How to obtain the Twitch Drops

All you have to do to get the charms is watch Spectre Divide streams labeled DropsEnabled. The rewards are available from September 3 - 17. There's no indication of a time you need to watch, so just tune in until you get the notification that you've unlocked a reward.

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

With Spectre Divide on Steam, here's how to connect your Steam account with Twitch to get Drops:

  1. Login to Twitch
  2. Go to the Connections page in your Account Settings
  3. Find Steam and press Connect
  4. Choose to sign in with your Steam account

That's all it takes, so once you obtain a reward for a game on Steam, you can claim it and it'll be available the next time you boot up the game.

Stay tuned to for more esports news and Spectre Divide Coverage.