How Crews work in Spectre Divide

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

Crews are an interactive, in-game way to earn points, rank up, and determine who is the best while playing Spectre Divide.

After you play a certain number of games in Spectre Divide, you'll be assigned a Crew. Upon your third game, you automatically enter a Crew, and can take part in weekly, engagement-base competitions.

The game itself has an in-depth look at the Crew functionality, but there's nothing that really explains what it is about. So, we'll go over how Crews work in Spectre Divide.

What is a Crew in Spectre Divide?

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(Screenshot via

Again, the game automatically assigns you a Crew, where you team up with a roster of 50-60 players. Think of them has sponsored sports-style teams within the Spectre Divide universe.

Play matches and perform well to earn points for your Crew. And go to the Crew section in Spectre Divide to see leaderboards, roster, a private Crew chat, and how much time remains in the weekly competition.

How do Crews work in Spectre Divide?

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(Screenshot via

So, what a Crew is in Spectre Divide is pretty easy to understand. How exactly do they work, though? Let's start with Divisions and Competition. The better your Crew performs, the higher the Division they are placed in. Which means better rewards.

There is fame and fans to earn which bring your Crew up in the ranks. This is part of the competition, where teams get a Spotlight Hour and a map that is considered their home turf. Matches during the Spotlight Hour and/or on the home turf maps give bonus points.

How to earn points

If you are a solo queue player, it is important to perform well, as that is the only way to earn points for your Crew in Spectre Divide. Otherwise, you can play in a party for a slight bonus, and then gain an even bigger bonus towards your points if your party consists of members of your Crew.

Here is the point breakdown:

Played a Match+8Earn by completing the match without surrendering or abandoning.
Victory+3Earn by winning the match.
Ranked Match+2Earn by queuing for a Ranked match.
Crew Teammate+2Earn when a member of your crew is in your party.
2nd Crew Teammate+2Earn when two members of your crew are in your party.
Crew Spotlight+2Earn when the match occurred during the Crew Spotlight window.
Queued as Team of 3+2Earn by queuing as a full Team (party of three players).
Home Turf Match+1Earned if the match occurred on your Crew’s Home Turf map.
Santai Live Broadcast+1Earned if your match was randomly selected for broadcast.

Mountaintop Studios provides more explanation regarding leaving a Crew, recruiting friends, and the rewards you'll earn in Spectre Divide. Check that out if you want to know more after you get the gist of it with our information above.

And as always, stay tuned to for more esports news and Spectre Divide coverage.