Best graphics settings in Spectre Divide

Brandon Moore

Brandon Moore

The best graphics settings for Spectre Divide will ensure a smooth game, where you can get the most FPS possible on your rig.

The best graphics settings for Spectre Divide can definitely be subjective. In our case, we're going to go with what makes the game run the smoothest. Of course, that can depend on the PC you're using, but it can be a universal starting point for anyone wanting to play.

Naturally, if you can run things as high as possible, do that. But if you are looking for the most frames per second, we've got you covered.

The best graphics settings to use in Spectre Divide

(Screenshot via
(Screenshot via

Here is each setting in the Graphics category of Spectre Divide, so you know what is the best:


  • Display Mode: Windowed Fullscreen
  • Brightness: 1.0
  • Contrast: 1.0
  • Frame Limit: On
  • Maximum Frame Rate: Test for preference
  • V-Sync: Off
  • Render Scaling: 100.0


  • Textures: Medium
  • Effects: Medium
  • Post-Processing: Medium


  • Reflex Enabled: Off
    • This is only available if you have an NVIDIA graphics card.


  • DLSS Enabled: Off
    • Again, this will only be available if you have an NVIDIA graphics card in your PC.
  • Super Resolution Mode: Auto

Why are these the best graphics settings for Spectre Divide?

As previously stated, these graphic settings are all about making Spectre Divide run to the best of its ability on just about every computer. The system requirements aren't massive for this game, so starting here and adjusting to what your rig can handle is a good idea.

If you need to put the quality settings to Low to get better FPS, by all means, do so. If you like the vibrant look of the first-person shooter and your computer is high-grade, throw them on Epic and enjoy the environment.

These are just the best options for a universally smooth Spectre Divide. We cannot stress enough how you can use it as a starting point, depending on what your setup is like. You might find yourself unstoppable in the server with these settings, and in that case, you're welcome.

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