How to spawn Leviathan in Blox Fruits

Celsos Ricablanca

Celsos Ricablanca

Reach the lair of a colossal sea beast with this guide.

Spawning the Leviathan in Blox Fruits is one of, if not the most, difficult sea event to trigger in the game. Unlike your regular Sea Beast, Leviathan is almost impossible to defeat alone, so you’ll need the assistance of other players to take it down.

But before you even think about fighting the Leviathan, you need to meet the requirements for accessing its stronghold, the Frozen Dimension.

Here’s how you can get to the Frozen Dimension and meet Leviathan as fast as possible.

Finding the Frozen Dimension

You'll start seeing rocks on Sea Danger Level 1. (Screenshot via
You'll start seeing rocks on Sea Danger Level 1. (Screenshot via

The Frozen Dimension is a spawnable location that players can only find upon reaching Sea Danger Level 6 in Third Sea. If you don’t know what sea danger levels are, they're basically the distances that you get if you try to keep sailing away from the Third Sea islands. The farther you are from the islands, the higher sea danger level you get.

Once you pass through some rocks, it means you just entered the sea danger levels. There are a total of six sea danger levels, so to fight Leviathan, you have to get to the highest sea danger level in the game.

You'll need some help to beat Levaithan

To increase your chances of beating Leviathan and make it easier for you to find the Frozen Dimension, ask the help of at least five other players (the more, the better).

Head over to the Tiki Outpost and look for the tall structure at the center of the island. At the top of it, you’ll meet an NPC named Spy.

Spy NPC at Tiki Outpost. (Screenshot via
Spy NPC at Tiki Outpost. (Screenshot via

Talk to Spy and respond with “Clues.” Your task here is to bribe Spy with fragments so you can improve the odds of the Frozen Dimension spawning at Sea Danger Level 6. 

Spy will keep saying something about Leviathan, and for each piece of information you receive, you need to pay 1,500 fragments. Spy can be bribed 6 times, and if you don’t have enough fragments, you can ask your party members to split up the price by talking to Spy one by one and paying 1,500 fragments each.

Keep in mind that most players in your party should not be on cooldown (meaning they recently didn’t fight Leviathan before + they already completed 20 sea events), or otherwise, they won’t be able to bribe Spy, and the NPC will just reply with “I don’t know anything yet.”

This is what Spy will say if you're on cooldown. (Screenshot via
This is what Spy will say if you're on cooldown. (Screenshot via

Once Spy finally says that the Leviathan is out there, your party can now ride a boat and sail your way through the six sea danger levels until you spawn the Frozen Dimension.

Reminder: Be patient when looking for the Frozen Dimension. It’s normal for parties to spend hours escaping other sea events before finding the place. Get rid of any Terrorsharks or Piranhas before they can damage your ship.

Spawning Leviathan in Blox Fruits

Leviathan spawns in Blox Fruits. (Screenshot via <a href="">Rao RK Gaming YouTube Channel</a>)
Leviathan spawns in Blox Fruits. (Screenshot via Rao RK Gaming YouTube Channel)

In the Frozen Dimension, you should find an NPC resembling a blue orb. This NPC is the Frozen Watcher, and interacting with it will trigger an encounter with the Leviathan.

The Frozen Watcher will not talk to you if you don’t have at least five players on your ship. If you have enough party members and you can’t get anything from the Frozen Watcher, it means one or two of your party members aren’t staying onboard, so remind them to return to the ship so you can spawn the boss.

You and your allies will then be sent to another area where the Leviathan is waiting for you. Good luck, and may the Blox Fruits gods be in your favor.

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