How to get eggs in Fisch

Celsos Ricablanca

Celsos Ricablanca

Collect some fish eggs and win valuable rewards.

Since the last update, players can now test their luck by catching large sea creatures for a chance of obtaining Eggs in Fisch. Eggs may come from catching Kraken, Orca, Blue Whale, and Megalodon—all Exotic fishes that require patience and stronger rods to capture.

Like Treasure Chests, Eggs can also be opened and reward their owner with various goodies like money, rod skins, baits, and boats. If you’re interested in farming Eggs, here is a complete guide on how to get them in the game.

Collecting Eggs in Fisch

The Whale Egg in Fisch. (Screenshot via <a href="">Carbon Meister Plays YouTube Channel</a>)
The Whale Egg in Fisch. (Screenshot via Carbon Meister Plays YouTube Channel)

You can acquire Eggs as additional rewards from successfully reeling in the following Exotic fishes:

MegalodonMegalodon EggDuring a Megalodon Hunt, look for a red storm cloud near the Ancient Isle.
Blue WhaleWhale EggIn the Ocean, in areas with a Whale Migration abundance. 
OrcaOrca EggIn the Ocean, in areas with an Orca Migration abundance.
The KrakenKraken EggUnlock the Kraken Pool in Atlantis, and you can reel in a Kraken during a Kraken Hunt.

In addition to the challenge of catching the Exotic fishes listed above, Eggs are even more difficult to find since they only have a 5% chance of spawning with the captured fish, and you have to be the first one to catch them in your server.

You can buy one or 10 Faberge Eggs from the Egg Salesman in Moosewood. (Screenshot via
You can buy one or 10 Faberge Eggs from the Egg Salesman in Moosewood. (Screenshot via

If you’re having tough luck with catching the required fishes, you can spend 99 Robux for a Faberge Egg, which is basically like the F2P Eggs with better rewards.

Fisch Eggs: Possible Rewards

A Legendary Rod Skin Crate from a Faberge Egg. (Screenshot via
A Legendary Rod Skin Crate from a Faberge Egg. (Screenshot via

Once you open an Egg in Fisch, you have a chance to get these items:

For Megalodon, Whale, Orca, and Kraken Eggs
For Faberge Egg
Money (54%)
Truffle Worm (40%)
Rare Skin Crate (6%)
Legendary King of the Kraken (0.04%)
Mythic The Blubbernaut Submarine (0.01%)
Money (48%)
Golden Tentacle (40%)
Legendary Skin Crate (10%)
Legendary King of the Kraken (1.5%)
Mythic The Blubbernaut Submarine (0.05%)

The most highly sought-after rewards from the Eggs are the boats. The King of the Kraken is a stand-up boat that can run as fast as 260 S/ps, while the Blubbernaut Submarine is the cooler version of the regular Submarine.

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