Therian Landorus Pokémon GO Raid Guide: weakness, counters, hundo CP

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Grab a powerful Therian Landorus during the Road to Unova event in Pokémon GO.

Landorus, in the Therian Forme is back in Pokémon GO Raids on February 26 as part of the Road to Unova event. This will include a special Raid hour from 6 p.m until 7 p.m.

Landorus has two Formes in Pokémon GO, the Incarnate and Therian. The Therian Forme is much stronger, so this is a great Pokémon to Raid for. Therian Landorus is the best Ground-type Pokémon in the game, excluding Primal/Mega Pokémon and Shadow Pokémon. It is better than Groudon, Garchomp and more.

So, take on as many of these special Raids as you can during the Road to Unova event. We have you covered for everything you need to know when battling Therian Landorus in Pokémon GO.

Best Therian Landorus counters in Pokémon GO:

Therian Landorus has a double weakness to Ice-type attacks, and a standard weakness to Water-type attacks.

Here are the best Therian Landorus counters in Pokémon GO:

Galarian Darmanitan
Ice Fang & Avalanche
Ice Fang & Avalanche
Psycho Cut & Ice Beam
Primal Kyogre
Waterfall & Blizzard
Powder Snow & Avalanche
Mega Glalie
Frost Breath & Avalanche
Mega Abomasnow
Powder Snow & Weather Ball
Ice Shard & Avalanche
Mega Gardevoir
Magical Leaf & Triple Axel
Frost Breath & Avalanche
Mega Swampert
Water Gun & Hydro Cannon
Dragon Breath & Glaciate

As expected, there are almost all Ice-type Pokémon on this list of Landorus counters. Two other Pokémon that are good counters are Black Kyurem and White Kyurem. As these have not rolled out worldwide, we haven't included them. But, if you did go to either of the in-person events, use those new Pokémon for these Raids.

Galarian Darmanitan evolves from Galarian Darumaka. You can currently hatch that Pokémon from 7 km Eggs, so that is easily avaliable. Glaceon is very common, with Eeevee spawning everywhere. Mamoswine also is very accessible, with Swinub being a common spawn worldwide. You could use a Glacial Lure Module to evolve Eevee to Glaceon and encourage some Swinub spawns - if your team needs reinforcements.

Can Therian Landorus be shiny in Pokémon GO?

Yes, Theruan Landorus can be shiny in Pokémon GO after your Raid.

Mega Evolutions to get you more Landorus candy in Pokémon GO

Mega Evolutions can help you get more candy and XL candy with every catch. Having a mega level 3 active that boosts candy for Ground and Flying-types will give you an extra 2 candy per catch, as well as a 25% bonus to your XL candy chance.

Here are the Pokémon you can Mega Evolve for more Landorus Candy:

  • Pidgeot
  • Rayquaza
  • Groudon
  • Swampert
  • Salamance
  • Steelix
  • Garchomp
  • Aerodactyl
  • Pinsir

The best Mega Pokémon you can choose is Mega Swampert. They will target Therian Landorus' weakness to Water-types as well as yield extra Candy after the Raid.

How many trainers do I need to beat Therian Landorus in Pokémon GO?

Therian Landorus is easy to beat in Pokémon GO. With Ice-type Pokémon, you can beat Therian Landorus as a duo in Pokémon GO.

For lower level Trainers, or those who have less powerful Ice-type Pokémon aim for a group of four Trainers or more to be safe.

What is the Therian Landorus Pokémon GO 100% IV hundo CP?

Here are the hundo CP values to look out for after your Therian Landorus Raid in Pokémon GO:

  • 2241 CP
  • 2801 CP (Weather boosted)

This is a great Pokémon to have as a hundo!

Weather Effects:

Weather boost can help you save candy, get better IVs and benefit from power boosts on your team. Here are the weather effects to keep an eye on when taking on these raids.

SunnyTherian Landorus will be a higher CP after the raid.Therian Landorus’ Ground-type Attacks will do more damage.
WindyTherian Landorus will be a higher CP after the Raid.-
Partly Cloudy--
SnowYour Ice-type Pokémon will be boosted.-
RainyYour Water-type Pokémon will be boosted.-

Look out for Windy or Sunny weather if you want a higher CP Therian Landorus after the Raid. Rainy weather could be useful if you don’t have many good Ice-types, and are instead using Water-types to take on Therian Landorus in Pokémon GO.

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