Reshiram Pokémon GO Raid Guide: weakness, counters, hundo CP

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Take on Reshiram in Pokémon GO with our Raid Guide.

Reshiram is in Pokémon GO Raids on February 27, and then March 1 and 2 as part of the Road to Unova and Unova Tour events. This Pokémon has never been more important in the game. Reshiram is already one of the very best Fire-type Pokémon, good in PvP and a solid Dragon-type.

However, now it is also key to getting White Kyurem, the very powerful Fusion Pokémon. You need Reshiram and Reshiram candy in order to fuse with Kyurem, so make sure to do some of these Raids.

Here is everything you need to know before battling Reshiram in Pokémon GO.

Best Reshiram counters in Pokémon GO:

Reshiram has a weakness to Dragon, Ground and Rock-type attacks. In addition, it has a resistance to Bug, Electric and Steel-type attacks with a double resistance to Fire and Grass-type attacks.

Here are the best Pokémon to use when battling Reshiram in Pokémon GO.

Mega Rayquaza
Dragon Tail & Breaking Swipe
Primal Groudon
Mud Shot & Precipice Blades
Mega Garchomp
Dragon Tail & Outrage
Mega Diancie
Rock Throw & Rock Slide
Mega Salamence
Dragon Tail & Outrage
Origin Forme Palkia
Dragon Tail & Spacial Rend
Origin Forme Dialga
Dragon Breath & Roar of Time
Dragon Tail & Breaking Swipe
Dragon Tail & Draco Meteor
Mud-Slap & Rock Wrecker
Dragon Tail & Breaking Swipe
Dragon Tail & Outrage

When any Pokémon has a weakness to Dragon-type moves, there are always a lot of great options to use in Pokémon GO. However, be warned, Reshiram does have Dragon-type moves. Any of the Dragon-type Pokémon listed above will also be weak to those attacks, just like Reshiram is to your attacks too.

That said, Mega Rayquaza is a fantastic option for these Raids. It is an absolutely fearsome Pokémon, dealing huge damage. Otherwise, Mega Garchomp or Primal Groudon will also be fantastic leads for your team.

Otherwise, Palkia, Origin Forme Palkia and Origin Forme Dialga are all excellent counters. These have all been avaliable in Pokémon GO recently, which helps Trainers have a team ready to take on Reshiram. For a budget option, Haxorus and Rhyperior are both non-legendary Pokémon you can use effectively.

Other options include Groudon, Reshiram itself, Therian Forme Landorus, Dialga and Salamence.

Can Reshiram be shiny in Pokémon GO?

Yes, the Reshiram you encounter after the Raid can be shiny.

Mega Evolutions to get you more Reshiram candy in Pokémon GO

Mega Evolutions can help you get more candy and XL candy with every catch. Having a mega level 3 active that boosts candy for Fire and Dragon-types will give you an extra 2 candy per catch, as well as a 25% bonus to your XL candy chance.

Here are the Pokémon you can Mega Evolve for more Reshiram candy in Pokémon GO:

  • Ampharos
  • Sceptile
  • Altaria
  • Salamence
  • Latias
  • Latios
  • Rayquaza
  • Garchomp
  • Houndoom
  • Blaziken
  • Groudon

Lots of these Pokémon are also counters, so you are spoilt for choice in this Raid!

How many trainers do I need to beat Reshiram in Pokémon GO?

You will need at least three Trainers to beat Reshiram in Pokémon GO, which will be especially comfortable if you use Party Power.

However, for those with weaker Pokémon or who want to play it safe, you should aim for a group of six Trainers.

What is the Reshiram Pokémon GO 100% IV hundo CP?

Here are the Reshiram hundo CP values to keep your eye out for:

  • 2307 CP
  • 2884 CP (Weather boosted)

Weather Effects:

Weather boost can help you save candy, get better IVs and benefit from power boosts on your team. Here are the weather effects to keep an eye on when taking on these raids.

SunnyReshiram will be a higher CP after the Raid. Your Ground-type attacks will be boosted.Reshiram's Fire-type attacks will be boosted.
WindyReshiram will be a higher CP after the Raid. Your Dragon-type attacks will be boosted.Reshiram's Dragon-type attacks will be boosted.
Partly CloudyYour Rock-type attacks will be boosted.-

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