Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour: September 2023

Amy Chen

Amy Chen

Here’s everything to know about this month’s Spotlight Hours.

The details for September's Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour are here! Read on for the Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour schedule, dates, time, and more.

Pokémon Go graphic (Image via Niantic, Inc.)
Pokémon Go graphic (Image via Niantic, Inc.)

Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour September 2023

The next Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour will kick off on Sept. 26. It will run between 6 p.m. to 7 p.m. in your local time and feature Growlithe. This means the Pokémon will appear more frequently in that hour. Additionally, this event will mean double the Stardust after catching a Growlithe.

Local Time
Sept. 26
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
2x Catch Stardust
Sept. 19
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
2x Catch Experience
Sept. 12
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
2x Catch Candy
Sept. 5
6 p.m. to 7 p.m.
2x Evolution XP

Earlier this month, players had the chance to catch more of Wooper, Mankey, and Girafarig.

Growlithe (left) and Lillipup (right) in Pokémon Go (Image via Niantic, Inc.)
Growlithe (left) and Lillipup (right) in Pokémon Go (Image via Niantic, Inc.)

How to prepare for Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour

Before the Pokémon Go Spotlight Hour for Growlithe happens, you can prepare your game for it. This means stocking up on Pokéballs and getting some Berries to make catching Growlithe easier. Don't forget to use some Incense to help catch even more Pokémon. You can also check if your in-game Storage Box has enough room.

Prepare for the event by getting enough Berries and Pokéballs (Image via Niantic, Inc.)
Prepare for the event by getting enough Berries and Pokéballs (Image via Niantic, Inc.)

If you have a Lucky Egg, then use one at the start of the event. This is because the Lucky Egg will increase the amount of XP you get for 30 minutes. There's also the option to use Star Pieces to earn more Stardust.

What Star Pieces do in Pokémon Go (Image via Niantic, Inc.)
What Star Pieces do in Pokémon Go (Image via Niantic, Inc.)

That's all for now. Stay tuned on esports.gg for more Pokémon Go news and updates.