Pokémon GO March 2025 Max Mondays schedule

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Here are the Max Mondays you can expect in Pokémon GO during March 2025.

Max Mondays are a relatively new weekly event in Pokémon GO, and they are continuing through March 2025. Each Monday, a different Dynamax Pokémon is featured across all Power Spots. This is a great chance to get out and grind as many Dynamax Max Battles as possible, focusing on a specific Pokémon. This takes place between 6pm and 7pm local time.

With some big Gigantamax expected over the next few months, getting your hands on some good Dynamax Pokémon is really important. Here are all the Max Mondays in Pokémon GO coming during March 2025.

March 2025 Pokémon GO Max Mondays schedule

Here are all the Dynamax Pokémon featured during March 2025's Max Mondays.

March 3 - Dynamax Beldum

The first Dynamax Pokémon featured in March 2025 is Beldum. This is an excellent Pokémon to take on, but will cost you 400 MP per Max Battle. Dynamax Metagross is a really versatile and flexible Pokémon to use, with a very strong set of stats, a high CP and some really powerful moves.

March 10 - Dynamax Drilbur

The second of the March 2025 Max Mondays will be really important in Pokémon GO. Drilbur will be crucial for the Max Battle Weekend that debuts Dynamax Raikou into the game. Excadrill is a top-tier Ground-type Pokémon, so if you need to to build your team for Raikou - do this Max Monday.

March 17 - Dynamax Chansey

The great options keep coming in Max Mondays. Dynamax Chansey will be a game-changer in Pokémon GO Max Battles, thanks to its huge defense stat. Pokémon that can use Max Guard or Max Spirit in Pokémon GO are very useful, and important to win Max and Gigantamax Battles. This is the debut of Dynamax Chansey so your first chance to get this Pokémon.

March 21 - Dynamax Caterpie

Another debut comes on March 21, albeit a less exciting one. Dynamax Caterpie will be coming to the game during a special Bug event in Pokémon GO. If we are being honest, this is probably a skippable event unless you are a huge Caterpie enthusiast.

March 28 - Dynamax Scorbunny

Ending March 2025 is a Dynamax Scorbunny Max Monday, another mediocre offering unless you are very excited about this Pokémon. Scorbunny cannot yet be shiny in Pokémon GO, and Cinderace has a Gigantamax form coming (eventually) so there is no real reason to invest in a good Dynamax Cinderace.

Stay tuned to esports.gg for the latest esports news and more Pokémon GO updates.