Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup: Best team to use (Great League edition)

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Prepare your team for the Fantasy Cup in Pokémon GO.

The Fantasy Cup is back in Pokémon GO PvP until December 17. The Fantasy Cup operates as the Great League (1500 max CP) with additional restrictions. That means that your usual Great League team will not apply.

The Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup is focused on Dragon, Steel and Fairy-type Pokémon. Only Pokémon that have any of those three types are eligible. As per normal Great League rules, these Pokémon must be 1500 CP or below.

So, what are some of the best Pokémon you can use to rack up victories in the Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup?

What is the best team for the Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup?

It's hard to always say there is a one size fits all best team for any single Pokémon GO PvP Cup or League. After all, Pokémon GO PvP is all about counters, specific movesets and thinking outside the box to get one up on your opponent. So bear that in mind.

However, statistically one of the best teams for the Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup is Azumarill, Galarian Weezing and Alolan Dugtrio. Shadow Galarian Weezing and Shadow Alolan Dugtrio will also be fantastic.

This team gives you a good range of type coverage, with these Pokémon having a range of moves in a range of categories. In addition, two of these Pokémon don't need XL candy in order to reach the top end of the 1500 CP limit. That means that you don't need to spend a lot of resources for what is a temporary cup. Azumarill, which does require some XL candy, is a good Pokémon for the standard Great League.

Pokémon GO Fantasy Cup: Good Pokémon to use

If you want to try something a bit different, here are all of the best Pokémon that fare very well in the Fantasy Cup:

Bubble, Play Rough, Hydro Pump
Galarian Weezing (Shadow)
Fairy Wind, Sludge, Overheat
Alolan Dugtrio (Shadow)
Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Iron Head
Excadrill (Shadow)
Mud Slap, Drill Run, Rock Slide
Galarian Weezing
Fairy Wind, Sludge, Overheat
Mud Slap, Drill Run, Rock Slide
Alolan Dugtrio
Mud Slap, Mud Bomb, Iron Head
Galarian Stunfisk
Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Earthquake
Origin Forme Giratina
Shadow Claw, Shadow Ball, Ominous Wind
Lock On, Focus Blast, Zap Cannon
Incinerate, Dragon Pulse, Overheat
Alolan Sandslash (Shadow)
Shadow Claw, Ice Punch, Drill Run
Flygon (Shadow)
Mud Shot, Dragon Claw, Scorching Sands
Fairy Wind, Seed Bomb, Moonblast
Heatran (Shadow)
Fire Spin, Magma Storm, Earth Power

There are some good and accessible Pokémon that you can use in the Fantasy Cup. Excadrill has been everywhere recently. Shadow Heatran is avaliable by beating Giovanni, and Origin Form Giratina was also in Raids recently too. Even Turtonator was in 10 km Eggs all last season.

Be warned that while several Shadow Pokémon are all very useful in the Fantasy Cup, Shadow Pokémon are more expensive to power up, and much harder to get optimised IV values for. For a temporary PvP Cup, it might not be worth the investment.

However, using any of those Pokémon will stand you in good stead for your battles in the Fantasy Cup. Good luck out there Trainers!