Mega X Charizard Pokémon GO Raid Guide: Weakness & counters

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Battle this powerful Mega Pokémon.

Mega X Charizard is back in Pokémon GO Mega Raids from April 4-13. This is one of two variants of Mega Charizard. While only the X version is in Pokémon GO raids, the Charizard Mega Energy you get can be used on any Charizard to Mega Evolve into either form.

Both versions of Mega Charizard are very powerful Fire-type attackers, so battling Mega X Charizard in raids will gather you very valuable Mega Energy.

Here is all the information you need to take down Mega X Charizard in Pokémon GO.

Best Mega X Charizard counters in Pokémon GO:

Mega X Charizard is a Dragon and Fire-type, and has a weakness to Dragon, Ground and Rock-type Pokémon.

In addition, Mega X Charizard has a resistance to Bug, Electric and Steel-type Pokémon, as well as a double resistance to Fire and Grass-type Pokémon.

Now, all Dragon-type Pokémon are weak to other Dragon-types. So, bear that in mind when considering this list of Mega X Charizard counters in Pokémon GO:

Mega Rayquaza
Dragon Tail & Outrage
Primal Groudon
Mud Shot & Precipice Blades
Mega Garchomp
Dragon Tail & Outrage
Origin Forme Palkia
Dragon Tail & Spacial Rend
Mega Salamence
Dragon Tail & Outrage
Mega Diancie
Rock Throw & Rock Slide
Origin Forme Dialga
Dragon Breath & Roar of Time
Mega Tyranitar
Smack Down & Stone Edge
Dragon Breath & Outrage
Dragon Breath & Draco Meteor
Therian Forme Landorus
Mud Shot & Sandsear Storm
Smack Down & Rock Slide

Mega Evolutions to get you more Charizard candy in Pokémon GO

Mega Evolutions can help you get more candy and XL candy with every catch. Having a mega level 3 active that boosts candy for Fire or Flying-types will give you an extra 2 candy per catch, as well as a 25% bonus to your XL candy chance.

Remember you will encounter a Charizard which is a Fire and Flying-type Pokémon at the end of the raid. Here are the Pokémon to Mega Evolve to get extra Charizard candy and candy XL

  • Pidgeot
  • Pinsir
  • Aerodactyl
  • Houndoom
  • Blaziken
  • Salamence
  • Groudon
  • Rayquaza
  • Charizard

Mega Rayquaza, Mega Salamence or Primal Groudon are the best choices. They will target Mega X Charizard's weaknesses, and also provide you that extra Candy boost.

How many trainers do I need to beat Mega X Charizard in Pokémon GO?

Mega X Charizard isn't a slouch, and high level trainers with good counters and Party Play will need at least a group of three to take on this raid. For lower level trainers, at least a group of five is optimal. Don't forget, you get more Mega Energy the faster you complete a Mega Raid, so the more trainers the better!

Charizard Pokémon GO 100% IV

With Charizard having two Mega Evolutions, being one of the original Pokémon in the franchise AND frankly looking pretty cool, that 100% IV Charizard is a great one to add to your collection.

Here are the 100% IV CP values to keep an eye out for:

  • 1651 CP
  • 2064 CP (Weather Boosted)

Weather Effects:

Weather boost can help you save candy, get better IVs and benefit from power boosts on your team. Here are the weather effects to keep an eye on when taking on these raids.

SunnyCharizard will be a higher CP when caught. Your Ground-type Pokémon will be boosted. Mega X Charizard will have boosted Fire-type attacks.
WindyCharizard will be a higher CP when caught. Your Dragon-type Pokémon will be boosted.Mega X Charizard will have boosted Flying and Dragon-type attacks.
Partly CloudyYour Rock-type Pokémon will be boosted.-

If you're looking for a higher CP Charizard after your raid, keep an eye out for Sunny or Windy weather. Both of those weathers will also boost your Mega X Charizard counters in Pokémon GO, so there is an added bonus to tackling this raid in those conditions there too.

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