Eevee Evolutions: How to evolve Eevee in Pokémon GO

Tom Bull

Tom Bull

Take your pick of every ‘Eeveelution’ in the game.

Eevee, and their eight evolutions are amongst the most popular Pokémon in Pokémon GO. But, how do you achieve all the Eevee evolutions in Pokémon GO?

While all eight of the Eevee evolutions are available in Pokémon GO not all of them are easy to obtain. Each evolution has different requirements in order to be able to complete the evolution.

Each player can also use a special name trick, one time only, to get each of the evolutions with no requirements.

Eevee name trick in Pokémon GO

Pokémon GO allows you one free pass at all of the Eevee evolutions in Pokémon GO. This is by naming an Eevee a set nickname. This trick only works once, so save this for a really good (or shiny!) Eevee. You need to evolve Eevee into all of it's unique evolutions to reach level 42, so you could save this for that.


How to evolve Eevee into Flareon, Jolteon & Vaporeon in Pokemon Go

These three Eevee evolutions in Pokémon GO are down to luck. Evolving an Eevee will give you a random evolution between Flareon, Jolteon and Vaporeon.

You'll need to be lucky to get the one you're after on your first try. Make sure to have plenty of good IV Eevee's and candy in order to get all three!

Umbreon and Espeon

Umbreon and Espeon are not down to chance. They will instead require you to get your walking shoes on, and cover some miles. To get Espeon and Umbreon in Pokémon GO, you need to walk 10km with them as your buddy.

Then, the time of day determines which evolution you get.

  • Daytime: Espeon
  • Nightime: Umbreon

Make sure you wait for the right time of day to press that evolution button so you get the Pokémon you want.

Leafeon and Glaceon

Leafeon and Glaceon have different requirements. You'll need two specific types of lure module for these Pokémon.

Modules can be purchased for 200 coins each in the in-game shop or earned as research task rewards. You might even get lucky and wander past a Pokéstop with a lure someone else has used.

Place a lure module down on a Pokéstop, and evolve the Eevee while in range. The evolution icon will change from a "?" if in range.

  • Mossy Lure Module: Leafeon
  • Glacial Lure Module: Glaceon

How to evolve Eevee into Sylveon in Pokémon GO

Sylveon, the fairy type evolution, requires a little more work than the others. You'll need to make an Eevee your buddy, but this time we aren't focused on walking a certain distance.

Instead, it's all about how many hearts you earn with your buddy. You'll need to earn 70 hearts, at which point you'll be able to evolve into Sylveon. This is not a quick or easy task, so be prepared for it to take a fair bit of time.

You can earn hearts with your buddy by feeding them, taking snapshots of them, playing with them, battling, walking and more. If you have a GoPlus+, you can even earn hearts for sleeping!

Best Eevee evolutions in Pokémon GO

So, with so many evolutions to choose from, which Eevee evolution is the best outright Pokémon?

The best Eevee evolution in Pokémon GO is Umbreon. He has a lot of PVP play in the Great League and Ultra League, sitting in the top 100 for both. This is significantly above any of the other possible Eevee evolutions. Umbreon has great defence stats, making him a real tank.

Other good shouts go to Espeon and Sylveon. Espeon has a very high attack stat, and is a great raid attacker in the Psychic category. It sits above several legendary Pokémon, including Tapu Lele and Azelf.

Sylveon can be a good pick in the Master League. Dragon Types dominate that bracket, and Sylveon's Fairy Typing makes light work of Dragonite, Garchomp and others. There are better Fairy Types to use, but Sylveon is very accessible and can be a good budget pick.

Eevee evolutions Pokémon GO stats:

Max CP

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