Ready to take on opponents with a Venusaur EX deck in Pokémon TCG Pocket?
With the big three (Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise) all having incredibly strong EX cards in Pokémon TCG Pocket, there are various decks surrounding the popular Pokémon emerging all throughout the internet. Here is the best Venusaur EX deck build in the game.
Venusaur EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket
Here is the best Venusaur EX deck build:
- Bulbasaur x2
- Ivysaur x2
- Venusaur EX x2
- Pinsir x2
- Meowth x2
- Poké Ball x2
- Erika x2
- Professor's Research x2
- Potion x2
- X Speed x2
The deck revolves around getting Venusaur EX on the field, while also having quite a few heal abilities. It requires Leaf Energy to operate.
Let's break down this Venusaur EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket further.
Pokémon cards in Venusaur EX deck
The deck includes the entire Venusaur evolution line, with Venusaur EX being the final Pokémon. Venusaur not only has 190 HP, but its Giant Bloom attack does 100 damage to its opponent and heals 30 HP to itself.

Next is Pinsir. We included two of these Pokémon in our deck due to its strength, high HP and being able to play immediately because of it being a Basic Pokémon.
The final Pokémon we included in our Venusaur EX deck is Meowth. While Meowth is a Normal-type Pokémon, its Payday attack lets players draw one card.
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Trainer cards in Venusaur EX deck
Every Pokémon deck needs Trainer cards. Our Venusaur deck has 10 of them.
To begin, we included some basic cards, like two Poké Ball cards and two Professor's Research cards. Both serve the purpose of getting your Venusaur evolution line in your hand.
To go along with Venusaur's prime move are two Potion cards, which heal 20 HP to one of your Pokémon. We also included two Erika cards, which heal 40 HP to any Pokémon with Leaf Energy attached to them. This card is essential for this deck.

Finally, to complete the deck, we added two X Speed Trainer cards. This card reduces the amount of Energy it takes for a Pokémon to retreat, allowing you to switch in and out seamlessly between your Active Pokémon and Benched Pokémon.
Will you be using our Venusaur EX deck build?
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