Infernape EX is one of the newest cards added in Pokémon TCG Pocket’s latest expansion. Here is our best deck build centered around the Pokémon.
Pokémon TCG Pocket's Space-Time Smackdown has already had the Pokémon community up in a frenzy. The expansion has added some incredibly powerful and useful cards into the game, making battles and card-pulling much more exciting. One of the Pokémon included in this expansion is Infernape EX, which many have been using to create a powerful deck.
Here is the best Infernape EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket.
Infernape EX deck build in Pokémon TCG Pocket
Below is the list of Pokémon cards included in our Infernape EX deck build:
Pokémon cards:
- Chimchar x2
- Monferno x2
- Infernape EX x2
- Moltres EX x2
Trainer cards:
- Dawn x2
- Sabrina x2
- Professor’s research x2
- Giant Cape x2
- Poke Ball x2
- X Speed x2
Obviously, this deck heavily revolves around Infernape EX. However, Moltres EX plays a huge part in this deck's strength, too. Let's break down the entire build.
All Pokémon cards
We first included the entire evolution line for Infernape EX. This includes Chimchar, Monferno and Infernape EX. Infernape's key (and only) move, Flare Blitz, does 140 damage to opponents. While it may only cost two Fire-type Energies to use, it does require players to remove both Energies from it once the move is used.

So, we need a Pokémon that helps feed Infernape its Fire-type Energies, which would be Moltres EX. Moltres EX's Inferno Dance move helps provide benched Infernape EX cards with Fire-type Energies.

However, this may seem useless due to Infernape losing its Energies when it uses its move. So, here is how we combat that issue.
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All Trainer cards
To begin with Trainer cards, we included your typical Supporter cards — Sabrina and Professor's Research. However, we also included Dawn. Dawn's ability lets players move an Energy from their Benched Pokémon to their Active Pokémon, which helps give Infernape the Energies it needs.

X Speed also helps, as it gives players the opportunity to switch out their Infernape EX with a Moltres EX just to use the cards Inferno Dance. Then players can switch the two again and dominate with Infernape EX.

We also included Giant Cape to help provide Pokémon with that extra health. We then included Poké Ball to help get Chimchar and Moltres EX out on the field.
Strong against
Being a Fire-type deck, Infernape EX excels against Grass-type Pokémon. Whether it's a Torterra or Venasaur deck, Infernape EX will dominate the playing field.
Weak against
If you know anything about Pokémon, then you would know that Fire-type Pokémon are weak against Water-type ones. This Infernape EX deck is not exempt from that fact. Beware of all Water-type decks, as these cards will be more difficult to fight against.
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